What brought you here?

by leaving_quietly 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • LisaRose

    Leaving_ quietly, I was in a similar situation, except my husband was disfellowshipped. I left the religion, as I had reached my breaking point, I just couldn't believe a God of love would wish me to suffer like that, I was married 28 years, none of them happy. I feel that divorce (without "scriptural" grounds) May be a sin, but is it so bad one needs to be disfellowshipped? Did not Jesus say let he who is without sin cast the first stone? Isn't cutting a person off from family and friends almost as bad as stoning? Why cannot there be forgiveness? Divorce is not to be taken lightly, but why does it have to ruin your life?

    I left, and for good measure married another (I know, what a hussy I was!). In fact, I lived in sin until the divorce was final, in for a penny, in for a pound as the Brits would say. I didn't even feel guilty. I married the guy I wouldn't date in high school because he wasn't a dub, who wrote in my yearbook that maybe in some other time and place we would be together. We have been together 12 years now. Anyhoo, I was doing well, but after 8 years the fear of apostates wore off and I got curious. No one in my new life knew anything about this religion. I was happy to find kindred spirits, there were other people who hated the Watchtower as much as me! Such a relief to talk about the things only a former dub would understand. Who else would get the Smurf reference? I may leave for a few years, then check in to see what is going on in the Watchtower world.

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