What brought you here?

by leaving_quietly 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • clarity

    Leaving_quietly .......... first of all, so glad you found us

    Looking forward to your insights.

    There is PAIN between the lines that you write ....

    Terrible experience with that poor poor family!

    Again it sounds like a sex abuse secret was kept in the congregation!


    I hope that soon all of us will drop every pretense about wt

    and really be FREE at last!


    The hypocrasy, the lies, the stupidity, the manmade rules, that it is a CULT...

    brought me here!


  • clarity

    Elderelite ........ well said


  • justmom

    Hello leaving quietly

    I am so very sorry about the situation here. My husband and I left the organization the same time, but it truly was a miracle and blessing the way it happened for us. It was answers to our prayers and "us" listening to the direction of holy spirit that was the determining factor. Yes, each of us could have made a different choice and I have to say we would not be married today if that would have happened.

    I personally was asking and questioning apparantly in my heart and then expressing it, something I too never did because I was a loyal organizational person thinking thats what jehovah wanted. (wait on the FDS)

    But what opened up to the BIGGEST step of enlightenement for me was that the WTBS was NOT the TRUTH. It was Jesus. " I am the WAY, the TRUTH and the Life. Noone can get to the father except through me My whole life that WT structure called themselves the truth. Even saying in the proclaimers book " The corporation (entity) was the visible representation of the lord on earth." Therefore, they had indeed put themselves in the seat of Moses playing our mediator.

    Insisting the only way to make it through armaggedon was through them and I knew, just never GOT IT "Jehovah didn't dwell in a hand-made temple anymore (corporation, religion)

    They also "shut up the kingdom of the heavens" to everyone since about 1935 and put you through hell if you feel the calling to partake, which is actually for everyone not just 144,000 Matthew 23: 13 John 6:31-58

    This is just a few of the questions that opened up in answers from holy spirit to our family.

    As far as your marriage, I'm sure you will do everything you can to try to make it work and keep peace. But let the baggage of the WT go and the guilt that comes with it. Seek the Kingdom which is the Christ and he will help you through your decisions remembering that divorce is not an unforgiveable sin.

    with love


  • lost1

    I was looking for answers to questions I found I could not ask family or friends. As soon as family found out what the "bf" was/is the shutters came up. One friend I could talk but wanted more answers. Knew of this site for a few weeks before I took the plunge and have had my questions answered - even though am non-jw was never judged and from reading posts on this site I have found most of my answers. Probably knew the answers but needed someone to tell me who had been in that situation. Still lurk a bit and do the odd post. Grateful to those who helped me. Some very sad posts but also some that make me laugh out loud! Like one big family and even though I will always be an outsider I will always be grateful I found this site. .

  • Ucantnome

    What brought you here? How did you find this site?

    I had been out for a quite few years before I came across this site. An elders wife said said something to me about the internet, apostates and finding the answer to something I'd asked her, it was quicker to go online and find it. That made me look and I came across this site. I dont know what site she was referring to.

    If I had still been a witness i would have run a mile from this site. When I left I would not read apostate literature. I didnt want it influencing my discision.

    It has been interesting reading and posting on this site.

  • donny
  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle


    I had started to reason and came out of a 20 year stupor- hence the "RVW"

    Nothing that I want to tell in detail- I had Qstns and started to doubt certain things.

    But, inadvertently, I found this site as a result of Googling for a specific piece of JW lit that I could not get off the website.

    So glad that I did!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The funny part of it was that after finding it, I checked with an elder to make sure it was OK to obtain it from this site.

    I actually received permission to be HERE!!!!!!!!

  • NVR2L8

    I was doing research on the latest statistics on earthquakes for a public talk but I couldn't find anything that would support the WT's claim of an increase since 1914...one thing leading to another I found out about 607 BCE not being supported by history, the WT's membership in the UN as an NGO and the frequent misquotes of secular sources almost everytime (...) are used in the middle of a quote in the WT publications...

  • eyesropen323
  • finallysomepride

    firefox & google LOL

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