Lifeguard Lopez fired

by bobld 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • JeffT

    It has always been the City’s policy that if there is an actual emergency inside or outside of the protected area, the lifeguard must respond. We do however have to ensure that certain safety protocols are followed to ensure the safety of all visitors to the City of Hallandale Beach.

    An example of poorly written policy in action. It sounds like they're trying to have it both ways, and wrote a protocol that tries to have the lifeguard in two places at once. He needs to know EXACTLY what he is to do in this situation.

    Tennessee Family's Home Burns to the Ground as Firefighters Stand and Watch

    Beks, when did you decide you are against insurance mandates?

  • Berengaria
    Beks, when did you decide you are against insurance mandates?

    Helluva stretch Jeff

  • Glander

    When he saw the guy drowning he could have saved everyone a lot of trouble if he had taken a potty break.

  • MrFreeze

    He didn't leave his area unattended. There was another lifeguard there.

  • MeanMrMustard


    " He didn't leave his area unattended. There was another lifeguard there. "

    Exactly. But what would happen, in terms of liability, if he attempts a rescue outside his assigned zone and fails to rescue the individual (the swimmer dies)? My bet is that the family would hire an experienced lawyer and go for a lawsuit... Same situation as that ER doctor refusing to try risky procedures, even when the alternative is the death of the patient.

    We over litigate.


  • Berengaria

    As per the OP, it does remind me of the Dubs. Forcing people to go against human nature. Notice the right wingnuts here. They are so desperate to espouse "personal responsibility" and "pull yourself up by your own bootstraps" (not that they actually have) that they forget humanity. It's a disease that has been spreading in this country since Reagan. We need a vaccine.

  • james_woods

    Hi Beks. Very nice to hear from you again.

    Could I please ask: What the hell on earth does REAGAN have to do with this lifeguard simply following his good human instincts and doing the right thing?

  • Berengaria

    So James, did you pay attention to this stuff when Reagan came about? It was actually called "the ME generation". For a reason. That is when this whole bullshit started. If you don't know that, then you are not qualified to comment on what the hell on earth...........................

  • MeanMrMustard

    @Beks: so Reagan was responsibly for the ME generation? I thought the ME generation was prior to Reagan (


  • Berengaria

    Well MrM you can read whatever you want to in Wiki, I lived it. Worked for BofA in the Financial District in SF. Suddenly there were more "Financial Advisers" than finances.

    Look, it's really not hard to figure this stuff out. If you are willing to look. Otherwise, you are all the same as JWs sitting there nodding your heads at the propaganda.

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