Waiting on Jehovah? yeah right

by BlindersOff1 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • DesirousOfChange

    The instructions to "Wait on Jehovah" is an attempt the Turn the Tables and put off doing anything about the issue at hand. The person making that statement is thus able to avoid any further discussion or action about the issue. In other words, THEY aren't going to rock the boat to address it, so wait on the Higher Power to "inspire" someone else beside them to tackle the issue.

    In JW Land, you learn that if you rock the boat too much, everyone else will cast you overboard to save themselves any discomfort.


  • Bella15

    As a Christian now I know how to spiritually wait on God, based on His promises, His Word, NOT to try to put things under the rug to protect a CORPORATION ...

    As a Christian now I now that I need to wait on The Lord BUT at the same I need to take action, knowing that He will bless all my efforts towards reaching any goal or solving any problem.

    It is all about faith, but faith which is a fruit of the Spirit ...

    As a Christian now I have great testimonies happening in my life ... AMAZING things ... the more I wait on LORD and do my part ... the more I learn about Him and his timing, which is not my timing ... as a Christian now waiting on the LORD has a different meaning ... it is waiting with assured expectation and joy!

    Yes, Wait on the Lord, oh my soul ....

  • Heaven

    Waiting on Jehovah get's you absolutely nothing and absolutely nowhere.


  • Expanded-Mind
  • Expanded-Mind

    Good advise from Benjamin Franklin:

    "God helps those who help themselves" (Poor Richards Almanac 1757)


  • JWOP

    Oh I waited on Jehovah alright.... and He showed me the truth about the truth, once I actually started listening to Him, LOL!

  • glenster

    Overlooking faith generally, even expectations of answers in this world to
    prayers, Samuel Jackson has a video on predicting times for the end of the world:

  • Gothicus

    It's a poor excuse for JW imcompetency / laziness that ultimately has a high rate of failure

  • LongHairGal

    was blind:

    You are SO funny!

    In all seriousness, the phrase "wait on Jehovah" is one of the most crippling statements anybody could ever make. It is supposed to be a "thought stopper" and "action stopper". It is part of the mysticism of the religion that wants everybody to believe that the creator actually intervenes with the goings on in the congregations, so there's no need to worry your pretty head over anything or even get involved, no matter how bad. You can just bury your head in the sand and go ringing doorbells and forget about everything else. Just count your time and don't look to the right or left.

    In my opinion, it is a device to get people to be passive and not act on their instincts. The religion doesn't want you to act on your intelligence and instincts.

    All this phrase does is feed into the mentality of masochism in the religion and is a euphemism for "do nothing". I saw this as plain as day. Women who "suffered" and thought they deserved the 'martyr of the year' award while they "waited on Jehovah" to take their problem away. Saw trouble in the congregation and complained? You were told "to wait on Jehovah". What a crock of shit.

    I had no intention of being damaged by the religion or anybody in it and I let this stupid phrase go in one ear and out the other and I just plain stayed away from people who I thought were trouble. Come to think of it: the whole thing was trouble.

  • Momma-Tossed-Me

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