Just wondering, who here is still a JW? x

by snare&racket 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • MrFreeze

    I'm no longer going to meetings or doing the JW stuff but I guess I'm considered inactive since I'm not DA or DF.

  • Sheep2slaughter

    @blinders off I'm a former pioneer. What a sucka that makes me feel like(no disrespect to any current pioneers intended).

  • dog is god
    dog is god

    My neighbors made a comment that the dubs don't even attempt to come down my driveway. Perhaps it's the 6ft chain link fence with a lock on it, (which my friends call "the witness protection program") or the sign that says "dog on premises" or the sign that says,"nothing in this house is worth dying for". Or maybe because when my mother was dying they were nothing but a pain inthe ass trying to protect her from a blood transfusion. No help at all. When my brother died I told the elder that noone thought to pay respects, nothing. However who really came through for him and me was the United States Marine Corps. "The bible says you will know the truth because of the love that they have..." Quite frankly I don't see in at all in the organization. Not one has come back. I'm not DAd. I just stopped. I would not step foot in a KH ever again. I think it could really make me throw up.

  • bigmac

    i asked a similar question when i first joined the site. got roughed up by a few--but--hey ho--a cyber punch-up is always good fun. heres the link


  • Sheep2slaughter

    @dog is god Man sorry to hear about your mom and bro. No matter how long ago or how recent...I know there are moments when it hurts terribly...sorry for their deaths.

  • Kojack57

    I like cedars am technically still a j.w. but, I'am a former elder who has faded for over 8 years now. Wouldn't get caught dead in a kingdom hall unless it is to show respect for a dead Hovie Jovie.


  • thecrushed

    I'm still technically in but I stopped going to meetings. My wife is still in and I'm trying to widdle away at her but ever since I gave up she has stepped up her efforts to be a good example and go out in field circus. My father just moved back into my congregation to keep tabs on us. I'm sure he will be pressuring us both like crazy when he finds out just how much we both miss the meetings.

  • Honeybadger

    I'm "still in" because I just recently graduated and my current job doesn't pay enogh for me to leave home. And I honestly am so torn, because I love my family and friends, but I hate everything about "God's Chosen, Almighty" Pedophile-protecting Cult. I was a born-in, but I've never truly believed in it. Heck, I was secretly taking part in all of the holiday-related activities at school I could, saluting the flag , etc. from first grade on (as long as there were no other witless kids in the class ).

    I still go to the meetings semi-regularly, and will maybe go in the field circus two or three times a month (an hour each time, but I definitely lie on the report...). I don't believe in god. I don't comment, ever. At most I'll read a scripture to appease my mom. I'll subtly bring out huge contradictions in the bible and the society's litter-trash to her, but it doesn't even phase her... she'll maybe just tell me to "do my own research" or "ask the CO next time he visits".

    I'm pretty definite that my mom knows I'm mentally out... in addition to everything else, she's read my notes on the conventions before, where I basically satirized everything said from the platform... but she doesn't really bring it up much.

  • finally awake
    finally awake

    I am not DA'd or DF'd as far as I know, but I havent' set foot in a kingdom hall since november of last year - and I don't plan on ever doing so again. For all intents and purposes, I'm not a JW anymore

  • blondie

    *** w93 7/15 p. 27 Tenderly Shepherding Jehovah’s Precious Sheep ***

    Inactivity in the ministry or in attending Christian meetings does not mean that the sheep is no longer part of the flock. He remains part of “all the flock” for whom the elders must “render an account” to Jehovah.


    Technically, the WTS still thinks inactive jws are still jws..........yet if one does not "witness" that is turn in time, are they a jw?

    The WTS is always talking out of both sides of their mouth.

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