How do you like Joyce Meyer?

by Iamallcool 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Iamallcool

    I just do not care about her at all, but I was wondering what do you think about her?

  • Fernando

    When one is led by Holy Spirit one can extract the good from the bad.

    The bad generally relates to any form of religious thinking or promotion.

    There certainly is a lot of good one can extract from Joyce Meyer (to develop repentance, faith and spirituality).

    However when it is more about the messenger (Joyce Meyer and her ministry) instead of the message (about Jesus) then we are headed down the wrong road and will come to grief. The Watchtower is a sad and extreme case in point.

  • JWdaughter

    I never liked her show, but it may have been some female aversion to her personality. I can't remember anything that she actually said, although I think she was kind of "out there" about several issues.

  • varian

    religious entertainment....

  • Flat_Accent

    I like Joyce Meyer with my tea and crumpets.

  • DesirousOfChange

    Joyce Meyer is to religion what Rush Limbaugh is to politics.

    Both are masterful ENTERTAINERS who have found a specific audience that will allow them to rake in MILLIONS of dollars.

    They are smart business people -- good sales(wo)men who are selling a product.

    Millions are buying it.


  • renderme

    She bores me. Not a fan.

  • finally awake
    finally awake

    never heard of her

  • Jehovah_Loves_Us

    Huge fan of Joyce Meyer!

  • james_woods

    Wasn't she investigated by congress for financial misdeeds, and then had to clean up her non-profit status?

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