The reason I am back on JWD after 7-8 years Vacation

by chichimama_2 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • Fernando

    Welcome back Sheila!

    Yup, our favourite cult is only a family member away...

    Come, stay, share, enjoy, laugh, cry, rant, and make some new friends...

    May you continue to grow, prosper, succeed and find peace again.

    I pray that your family members' cognitive dissonance gets so bad that they HAVE TO tend to the matter instead of forever sticking their heads in the sand. May God grant them repentance (awareness of their dysfunction, prejudice and ignorance). May he also grant them faith (a wide opening of their spiritual eyes).



  • Balaamsass

    Welcome back, Nice to meet you, sorry for your pain. Have had similar story today.

  • awaken2004

    I'm sorry for your pain. Isn't amazing how dubs can leave the cult then come back in full force and act like self righteous bitches - your words :) ? You would think they would be more understanding and some are but it seems like far more prop themselves up on a pedastal. It is very said and infuriating especially when it is family cutting ties.

    I too hope your sister comes to her senses one day and you both are able to laugh about it all.

  • chichimama_2

    Thanks Fernando.

    Balaamsass, I feel for you. Not a nice thing to go through.


    Isn't amazing how dubs can leave the cult then come back in full force and act like self righteous bitches - your words :)

    Yes, I truly think they blank their time out of the Organization from their minds.

    She would freak if she read some of her posts here, remembered marching with Silentlambs in NY, the apostafeasts.....

    I bet she forgot, she may still be registered to vote.

    I really have tried to understand this. I cant figure out why she would want to go back. She always spoke of how she never fit in and never could live up.

    The only thing I can boil it down to is that something must mave triggered her fear of the big A.


  • chichimama_2

    I want my sister out of that cult. I want her back here on this board laughing and making fun of all this.

    I think of what a self rightious bitch I was when I was in. I'm not afraid to tell on myself.

    I share this stuff not to make her look bad.I am mad and hurt and I love her. We all know she is confused.

    But I want others to see that they are not alone with their simular experiences plus I hope people will read these stories and see Watchtower for what it is.


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    So much pain caused in the name of right by them.

    They can't see it, the propaganda is too thick from where they sit. Like all religion, they are driven from without, not from within. They are, primarlly acting on primal instinct of survival, for they fear that Jehovah will kill them if they don't. One might refer to it as Religious Stockholm Syndrome. They identify with an evil, horrible god [or governing body in his place], because in their minds he has become a benefactor.

    I hope you are ablt to return to a point where Jw shit is once again far in the back of you mind. I have been there, and have also been drug back to deal with shunning and be reminded a few times myself [though never in such painful circumstances].

    Peace and Namaste to you.


  • smiddy

    That experience is so typical , with many variations ,it is very hard to beleive how cults survive , and yet they thrive what does it say about the human psyche ?

    I have personally known some witnesses who have done bad things ,been disfellowshipped , then came back , got reinstated , and been more self righteous and judgemental against another human being. and feeling so smug about it. ( as though that alleviates their sin )


  • Fernando

    Hey smiddy, your observation on self-righteousness made me think of:

    (Romans 10:3) . . .for, because of not knowing the righteousness of God but seeking to establish their own, they did not subject themselves to the righteousness of God.

    How revealing that followers of the Watchtower know nothing about IMPUTED righteousness, which Paul repeats and explains at length...

  • Quandry

    I really have tried to understand this. I cant figure out why she would want to go back. She always spoke of how she never fit in and never could live up.

    Maybe it has to do with being back "in" with your mother.

    If she felt that she could never live up to their demands before, it won't be long before she feels the same way. She's got to somehow fit the "overlapping generations" teaching into her brain, Sparlock, and the ever increasing number of partakers.

    Not to mention that I am sure since she was df'd for awhile, some "mark" her still, and so, no, she will never live up to their requirements. Who could?

    So convoluted and painful. Sorry to hear about it all.

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    Just wanted to add that I too am sorry for your pain it is amazing how cruel they can be and they just do not seem get it.

    It is nice to meet you also.


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