German court rules religious circumcision on boys an assault

by mind blown 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • apostatethunder

    It is usually the men that have been circumcised themselves, the ones that decide to circumcise their sons, if they saw it as a bad thing, they could choose not doing it.

    Of course the government has to protect children if they are being abused, I don’t see this is the case.

    This sentence opens the door to the state interfering with the decisions that belong to the parents. This is just my opinion.

    Jamesmahon, I personally think circumcision is beneficial. There are always different points of view and different studies supporting both opinions.

  • Finally-Free

    Don't touch my junk!!!

  • Sulla

    Just because some people who are against circumcision are anti-semites it doesnt mean they all are.

    True, Deist, but significant portions of the US movement seem to live in some very fetid swamps. It's an issue.

    Presumably people should have the right to conduct female cirumcision as well, or tattoo the name of their god on the kids arse. Adults can do what they like. Children should not have things forced upon them that will permanently scar them - physically or mentally. Why would you want to circumcise your sons anyway?

    Well, were I a Jew, I would do so because it has been the rite of initiation into my people for 4,000 years or so and carries profound historical, cultural, and religious significance. It's just a foreskin, the practice didn't seem to hurt the Egyptians much.

    As for the difference between circumcision and female genital mutilation, well. A circumcised penis works just fine, a woman whose clitoris has been excised cannot function sexually. The effect and intent are to maim. Circumcision is hardly more debilitating than pierced ears. If some group had a ancient and central tradition of piercing ears of infants, have at it. Even now, Native communities still engage in robust rites of passage that the young must pass, and there are other examples as well. So, this seems like a genuine overreach.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    My apologies, I was poorly informed.

  • stuckinlimbo

    I need say no more except my heart breaks for every poor baby boy who is subjected to this cruel and barbaric procedure

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