German court rules religious circumcision on boys an assault

by mind blown 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • mind blown
    mind blown

    Wonder how JW Germans get around the blood/issue doctrine?

    Circumcising young boys on religious grounds amounts to grievous bodily harm , a German court ruled Tuesday in a landmark decision that the Jewish community said trampled on parents' religious rights .

    The regional court in Cologne, western Germany , ruled that the "fundamental right of the child to bodily integrity outweighed the fundamental rights of the parents", a judgement that is expected to set a legal precedent.

    "The religious freedom of the parents and their right to educate their child would not be unacceptably compromised, if they were obliged to wait until the child could himself decide to be circumcised ," the court added.

    The case was brought against a doctor in Cologne who had circumcised a four-year-old Muslim boy on his parents' wishes.

    A few days after the operation, his parents took him to hospital as he was bleeding heavily. Prosecutors then charged the doctor with grievous bodily harm.

    The doctor was acquitted by a lower court that judged he had acted within the law as the parents had given their consent.

    On appeal, the regional court also acquitted the doctor but for different reasons.

    The regional court upheld the original charge of grievous bodily harm but also ruled that the doctor was innocent as there was too much confusion on the legal situation around circumcision.

    The court came down firmly against parents' right to have the ritual performed on young children.

    "The body of the child is irreparably and permanently changed by a circumcision," the court said. "This change contravenes the interests of the child to decide later on his religious beliefs ."

    The decision caused outrage in Germany's Jewish community.

    The head of the Central Committee of Jews, Dieter Graumann, said the ruling was "an unprecedented and dramatic intervention in the right of religious communities to self-determination."

    The judgement was an "outrageous and insensitive act. Circumcision of newborn boys is a fixed part of the Jewish religion and has been practiced worldwide for centuries," added Graumann.

    "This religious right is respected in every country in the world."

    Holm Putzke, a criminal law expert at the University of Passau, told the Financial Times Deutschland that the ruling was "enormously important for doctors because for the first time they have legal certainty."

    "Unlike many politicians, the court has not allowed itself to be scared off by charges of anti-Semitism or religious intolerance," added Putzke.

    The World Health Organisation has estimated that nearly one in three males under 15 is circumcised. In the United States, the operation is often performed for hygiene reasons on infants.

    Thousands of young boys are circumcised every year in Germany, especially in the country's large Jewish and Muslim communities.

    The court specified that circumcision was not illegal if carried out for medical reasons.

  • Razziel

    I think I would have my son circumcised as an infant just so he wouldn't have to go through all the "Dude, wtf is wrong with your ding-dong?" comments as a teen in the locker room.

  • WTWizard

    Good. It's about time the "anti-Semitism" crap gets the work-around. Any religion whose core doctrines involve supremacy of those practicing it with the intent of enslaving everyone else deserves to be bashed around, and brought to its knees regardless of the "anti-Semitist" cries of those at the top. To me, circumcision for religious reasons is a waste--it amounts to the equivalent of getting a tooth pulled. There are risks involved, and religious leaders do not have the right to impose something like that on all boys. The decision is better left up to the parents, not the churches. And, if circumcision is not required in Christi-SCAM-ity, Islam, or Satanism, any church that imposes it anyways is not allowing religious freedom among those groups.

    Any religion that deprives others of freedom to leave said religion or that takes away outsiders' rights to practice their own religion (whether it be worshiping Jesus or Satan) itself does not deserve freedom to practice itself. It is no different when it's your light bulbs, your low-flush toilets, your refrigerators or air conditioners, your cars--or your gods. If I choose to install CFL's despite the drawbacks, that's my business. But, if the CFL cult leaders force me to remove my incandescent bulbs and make LED's unavailable, then they should be brought down. Likewise, any religion that insists on enslaving outsiders or that forces its principles on those choosing not to participate is rightly hated and deserves to be brought down. And the leaders put in jail to rot there.

    This is as true within Christi-SCAM-ity (yes, the Washtowel Slaveholdery) and Islam (as in Sharia Law) as within Judaism. I don't care who it is--I value my freedom to practice any, or no, religion as I see fit. I value my freedom to decide that my religion is intolerably faulty at any time if I see it as too flawed, and to change accordingly as I see fit. I do not want Jews, Christians, or Muslims dictating that I shall not be able to refrain from practicing their circumcision. Next, they will be imposing on me to observe the Sabbath (including not even turning on a switch during the Sabbath), the fasts (Ramadan, especially near the North Pole during the coming years, is going to be oppressive), and the principles of the Law of St Benedict. None are for me--they are all flawed, and they ALL have to go. And, if physical assault or emotional abuse is involved, criminal charges for such need to be pressed against the leaders regardless of "anti-Semitism" charges.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    I got trimmed soon after birth because it was "the thing to do" with boys - ALL boys - born in New York City in the 1940s and 50s.

    I would advise against it if I was asked, but no one asks.

    If someone was determined to do this to their son, OK go ahead.

    This is blatant anti-semitism because only Jews practice religious circumcision.

    Why hasn't Germany issued protection to BOTH sexes? Could it be because Muslims - a growing segement of the german populace - like to practice female circumcision, which if FAR more disfiguring and cruel than male circumcision ever was.

  • JWdaughter

    Female circumcision is probably already illegal there. It is in most places.

  • cofty

    Nathan Natas - Female circumcision - genital mutilation - is already illegal in all of Europe.

    Its not anti-semitism Muslims also practice male circumcision. A Muslim neighbour of mine had a child with a heart defect which has been repaired with very delicate surgery. He now wants to put the infant throught the ordeal of general anaesthesia so he can have him circumcised. Insanity!

    One day we will look back and wonder why we ever thought it was acceptable to allow parents to perform surgery on infants for reasons of superstition.

    I hope the European supreme court have the courage to uphold this decision and that the British government follow suit.

    Religious freedom does not - or should not - extend to imposing your delusions on your children.

  • Sulla
  • dontplaceliterature

    A lot of Christians practice this too, Nathan Natas.

  • bats in the belfry
    bats in the belfry

    When created, man was deemed to be in a state of perfection with foreskin .

    "The days are coming," declares the LORD, "when I will punish all who are circumcised only in the flesh"

    Jeremiah 9:25 (NIV)

    It seems while we have to 'wait on God' once more, 'Caesar' decided to start punishing.

  • besty

    religion is child abuse, nothing to see here.

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