Main article on child abuse on right now

by InquiryMan 15 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • JakeM2012

    Keep your children safe, How to protect your children" Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society quote,

    " If a child is taught that he must always obey any adult, regardless of the circumstances, he is vulnerable to abuse. Molesters are quick to notice when children are overly compliant. Wise parents teach their children that obedience is relative."

    Interesting that wtbts has always wanted to promote the "spiritual paradise" within the congregation and that we can have trust with our brothers and sisters. We have been instructed for years to trust our brothers and sisters and assume the best, not to suspect our brothers of ill will. Now after the Condi case, they want to put all the responsiblity on the trusting parents as if any abused children are the parents fault, and wtbts had nothing to do with child abuse. Right.

    They could have admonished parents 100 years ago not to leave their children alone with anyone. But they didn't!

    I have children and have always been protective. However, being overly protective can be overwhelming to a child.

    I got a kick out of the "wise parents teach their children that obedience is relative" comment. I think most everyone on this forum understands this now.

    It just makes me wonder of the reasons that they did not take child abuse as a priority? Could it be that there are some hidden sins within the GB? that have not come to light and that is the reason that they feel sexual child abuse has not been a priorty? Well maybe the threat of losing 20+ Million will get the hypocrites attention. I hope so.

    I believe the bottom line on this article is, "Too little, Too late". Sorry wt, pay the money and take a stand for righteousness sake. This is pitifull.

    One more point. There is a big difference between obeying Caesar to the letter of the law (reporting or not reporting child abuse anonymously), and doing what Jesus Christ admonished in the Sermon on the Mount.

    Matthew 5:20 says, " 20 For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven."

    So tell me, why were wt lawyers given authority over how to handle this. Did they need 18 lawyers, or did they need to listen to (if they have one) a trained conscience?


    That`s like Pyromaniacs giving advice on Fire Safety..

    Let It BURN!..

    ....................... ...OUTLAW

  • jamiebowers

    Edited to add: I tried reading this drivel but couldn't make it through the second article. Why don't these dirty bastards just make a public confession of their failed policies, apologize to the victims and change their wicked ways? It seems to me, that instead, they are setting the parents up to take the blame when the shit starts raining down on the Watch Tower. I'm also bothered by the fact that they're still recommending that great teacher book. If I correctly recall, many jw parents took offense, because it's worded in a way that makes it seem kids are giving into Satan by being molested.

  • sizemik

    Jeez their callous duplicity is so transparent to those in the know . . .

    The whole GB and all their lawyers belong in jail. They're criminals . . . nothing more.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Of course, WT places all the responsibility on the parents. They fail to mention the responsibility of people in authority to warn the parents of known perpetrators. The articles completely fail to warn the JW parents to be suspicious of everyone in their congregations, because the elders are not there to help and protect.

    This paragraph was awful:

    Sadly, though, most of such crimes go unpunished by authorities today. In Australia, for example, it has been estimated that only 10 percent of offenders are prosecuted, and few are convicted. Other lands have had a similar record. While governments may be able to do little to protect the Christian family, the application of Bible principles can do far more.

    So, WT that consistantly fails to properly notify police until after their Legal Department is notified, is going to blame the police for failure to prosecute? And they claim that their "Bible based" procedures are able to do far more to protect "Christian families" when they have let pedophiles roam freely among children in their KHs? And their judicial committees are "acting wisely" when they make the child explain what happened in front of their rapist and then be ignored if there isn't a "second witness"?

    And a huge failure of those articles is that they actually undermine the importance of notifying the police ASAP.

    Certainly, it's important for parents to protect their children, but everyone in the congregations, and certainly the elders should take an active interest in protecting children, rather than protecting abusers. And if something happens, parents and elders must make it a priority that the police need to be called first and the child needs to be protected from further abuse.

    These articles are just a sh!tty attempt by Watchtower to blame the parents for the crimes.

  • gymbob

    Billy~ Exellent post, as usual! Gym Bob

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