Glory Days

by MrFreeze 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • MrFreeze

    So I was looking back at my (rather short) life thusfar. Usually people will talk about their glory days. Usually it is high school or college. Just a time of youth where you make a lot of mistakes but generally have a lot of fun and have important life experiences that help your growth as a person. My older brothers and sisters all have that. Granted, they all made some pretty bad mistakes but they generally had a fun experience growing up.

    I look back and realize I never really had any glory days. Not really hard to fathom since I was a JW until I was almost 22 years old and was homeschooled from junior high all the way up through graduation. I had the typical "well-behaved dub" childhood. Nothing but meetings, field service, ministerial servant activities. I went to a community college but the guilt of doing so was destroying me so I gave up on it.

    So now I'm no longer a JW. Most would probably so "Go out and live your life and enjoy it!" The problem is, I have no motivation to go out and do anything. I just don't seem to find much joy in anything and I just don't have excitement for anything anymore. I went out with a girl a few weeks ago and she asked me what I liked to do for fun. I completely blanked. I honestly don't really do anything for fun anymore. I work, come home, maybe listen to some music, watch a little bit of tv, then go to bed. On the weekends I might go out and have some drinks. Otherwise, I just sit at home doing whatever. That is pretty much the extent of my life. I don't even know what I would want to do for fun anyway. Everything that I used to enjoy just doesn't have the same appeal that it used to.

    I guess I enjoyed playing sports and probably still would but it seems like any time I get out and running or anything I don't feel very good. I start to feel nauseous. Doesn't really matter since I left the JW's, all the people that I normally would play sports with no longer have anything to do with me. I used to enjoy increasing the library of movies that I've seen but anymore I find it hard to get interested in any movies I haven't seen. I used to enjoy playing video games but I just get bored so easily with them. Also, it seems like none of my friends are ever up for hanging out when I'm up for hanging out.

    I thought about taking up a hobby but I just don't have the motivation to do so or even know what I would want to do for a hobby. I started playing guitar a few years ago but I lost interest in it as I didn't have time for lessons and constantly practicing and I wasn't getting any better trying to teach myself. I've been thinking about going to school but I have no idea what I want to go for.

    I'm not even sure what my goal is in posting this. Just was thinking about all of this and just felt like I had to say it to someone. I don't know, it just seems kind of sad that I'm only 23 and I've essentially given up. I never really had any hopes or dreams growing up as JW since that was all I knew. Well thanks for reading my nonsense.

  • jamiebowers

    It sounds like you may be in the beginning stages of depression. Please go for an evaluation to find out for sure.

  • MrFreeze

    I suppose I probably should do that. Thank you.

  • What Now?
    What Now?

    I agree with jamiebowers.

    One thing that has kept me hanging on in this religion so long is how scared I am of the "social vacuum" we would find ourselves in without our witness friends and family.

    All I can suggest is to try new things, anything ... and find out what you love. And in the process you might find like minded people. New friends, better friends than the ones that have left you behind.

  • transhuman68

    Just brainstorming... you can ignore this...

    I would say you need a sense of purpose in your own life, and a huge ego. To achieve what you want in life you have to have enough ‘drive’ to smash down all obstacles in your way; and to move past those who aren’t really going anywhere- but maybe that’s more important later… at this stage I would just say join groups and make friends with people who are doing extraordinary things- music, travelling, hippies, car freaks- whatever you might be even slightly interested in. You have some time to find out what lights your fire. Then find a mentor- someone older than you who has achieved what you want to achieve, or someone you admire, and hang out with them. At your age the world is your oyster- you just have to reach out to have what you want.

  • oompa

    freeze i have felt like on way too many occasions...sometimes severely and have been on a bunch of meds before...but only one now and i dont think i need it anymore....the doc that got me off all my meds knows all about my jw shunning thingy and loss of all lifetime friends...and he said "hell who wouldn't want to drink? who wouldnt be depressed?" felt good to me normal....i strongly reccomend finding an interest that flips your switch and additonally a woman who does need sex and bad....and make her and others feel incredible about themselves and are enthusiasting in you suddenly are giving off this great karma i swear...define it how you choose

    and since you never had goals...and wow do i get that and it pisses me off some but i am coping better with that...whew...we were spoon fed the goals of our parents and others...and it was: THAT JEHOVAH NOT DESTROY ME AT ARMAGEDDON....and that meant you had to do everything they said or you would get the belt...pretty effective too....ya...i do have PTSD but some positive influences in my life has really helped a lot....tough it out and force yourself to excerise every day and view it like medicine if you must....hit me up anytime...............oompa

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    Hang in there, Mr. Freeze!

    I can only imagine how difficult it must have been for you to break away. I really don't think it's that unusual at this point for you to feel like you're in a social slump. Afterall. you had your days and weekends planned out for you for so many years!

    You are still young and have plenty of time to lead the kind of life you want to. You're 23. You've got your whole life. And you're still young enough to enjoy all of it!!!

    But, please, if you continue to feel like you have been feeling; not finding any motivation, then please do not hesitate to ask for help.

    Mr. F, isn't it good that we have found this place to talk. People here are listening without judgement, who understand, empathize and want us to find our way back in the world again.

    Just want you to know that I care!

  • TimeBandit

    Take it from a guy diagnosed with depression: Those are symptoms of depression. Please go to a doctor and get treated. The right meds will make a big difference. I know exactly how you feel. I hope you find some motivation and joy. Best wishes...


  • Chemical Emotions
    Chemical Emotions

    Definitely see a thyrapist. I kinda know what you're feeling, at least to some extent. It's very hard to find anything that's consistently engaging and fun and intersting at times. Having the help of a professional will help.

  • chichimama_2

    They are all right.It's classic depression symptoms.

    It's very common for people to experience depression after leaving a high control group.

    I had the same thing. I went through a horrible time knowing I didn't fit in with the JWs anymore and didn't feel like I fit in with the rest of the world either.I felt like an alien.

    I got help. Meds help some but it is a process that takes time. I have had difficult times off and on. I just never give up and things get better all the time.

    Here is a link from the Mayo clinic with symptoms of depression.

    AKA ,


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