Lawyer tells of agonising scenes as doctors forced to let a Jehovah's Witness who wanted to live, die

by 3Mozzies 16 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • 3Mozzies

    Lawyer tells of agonising scenes as doctors forced to let a Jehovah's Witness who wanted to live, die.

    A lawyer who advised doctors that they must let a 22-year-old Jehovah's Witness die even though he wanted to live has spoken of the agonising scenes before the young man's death.

    Robert Tobin, a partner in the London law firm Kennedy’s, was called in by an unnamed NHS Trust when the man, a Jehovah’s Witness who was critically ill with sickle cell anaemia, refused a blood transfusion which could have saved his life.

    Over three weeks the man gradually deteriorated as the crisis progressed, before eventually dying.

    “Medical staff were understandably upset at seeing a patient deteriorate before their eyes knowing a simple procedure could have been provided that would have saved his life,” Mr Tobin said.

    The man’s mother, also a Jehovah’s Witness, was at her son’s bedside, and an elder from the man’s church also attended. The trust was concerned that they were unduly influencing him but a doctor from a neighbouring trust who was called in to assess him said he had full capacity and was making the decision on his own.

    Mr Tobin said: “I don’t know what his mother was thinking as she sat by and watched him die. I assume either she felt powerless or she felt bound to her own religious code of conduct which says you can’t share blood with others.

    “He had full capacity, he made his decision, however irrational. His doctors were bound by that. The rules are very clear.”

    Mr Tobin said that at the Trust’s request, the Jehovah’s Witness signed an advance directive - the so-called “living Will” - setting out his wishes in case he lost mental capacity in the future.

    Mr Tobin highlighted the ethical discrepancy in the law which forbids the same doctors from assisting those who want to die.

    He contrasted the Jehovah's Witness's case with those cases raised in the debate over assisted dying, in which patients have petitioned the courts for the right to seek help to end their lives.

    Last week Tony Nicklinson who has “locked in” syndrome after suffering a massive stroke, sought a ruling exempting doctors from criminal prosecution if they assisted his suicide.

    “There is a subtle distinciton between a patient’s right to life and a patient’s right to die,” Mr Tobin said.

    While the law forced medical staff to stand aside and not intervene in the case of the 22 year old Jehovah’s Witness, even though the man had no intention of ending his life, they were prevented from intervening to help patients such as Tony Nicklinson die at a time of their choosing.

    “But the same doctors could be faced on a another day with a patient who wants assistance to die when his condition becomes impossible to live with. In that case the doctors could face criminal prosecution if they helped him to realise his wish,” said Mr Tobin.

    While the legal distinction was clear for doctors treating the Jehovah's Witness, the ethical one was not. Both patients wanted to exercise their personal autonomy but only one - the Jehovah’s Witness - was able to do so, because he needed no assistance.

    Mr Tobin added: “It is tragic that his goal was not to die but to ensure that he obeyed what he regarded as his religious commands. Death only came about as a consequence of that and not, as with those wishing assistance with dying, as the primary aim."


    More Blood on The Wacthowers Hands!


  • Diest

    Another sacrifice to Molech.

  • smiddy

    What infuriates me is the Governing Body KNOW the blood policy is human interpretation , way outside of God`s commandment , yet they still insist on the rank & file following their ever changing interpretation , standing by while needless deaths occur.

    They are a bloodguilty organization that should be held accountable


  • ABibleStudent

    To paraphrase an old NAACP college commercials, "The mind and life of a JW is a terrible thing to waste for the WTBTS." It is tragic that a JW voluntarily refused a life-saving blood transfusion to perpetuate Freddie Franz's legacy of JWs refusing blood transfusions.

    Mr Tobin said: “I don’t know what his mother was thinking as she sat by and watched him die. I assume either she felt powerless or she felt bound to her own religious code of conduct which says you can’t share blood with others.

    It is obvious that Mr Tobin does not know WTBTS doctrine on a couple of levels. JWs are not allowed to store their own blood for a future operation for themselves either. The WTBTS has a shun-gun pointed at the mind of all JWs, so how can that be interpreted as not being unduly influenced?

    It seems that the WTBTS and its representatives are very good at spinning stories to protect the image of the WTBTS.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Now, everyone who had a hand in encouraging his martyrdom, will have his death on their conscience every time they feel a twinge of doubt about their church hierarchy's claim to be god's representative.

    They'll have to grow balls of steel to leave.

  • sizemik
    After the Judge's death, as World War II was ending, and persecution against the Witnesses began declining, along with the attendant drop in news-media publicity, Hayden C. Covington told the author that Fred Franz saw the prohibition against blood transfusions as a way to accomplish two things: to continue to publicize the religion, and to create an uproar in the community. This reaction would convince the membership they were being "persecuted" and "suffering for righteousness sake," a sure sign they were "in the truth." - The Four Presidents of the Watchtower Society p.75 (C/- Randy's post here )

    When the truth behind this lethal doctrine is realised, it becomes all the more tragic . . . and abhorrent. 67 years later and still they die.

    There's a good case for invoking Godwins here.

  • cedars


  • jemba

    No matter how 'in' I was I would never have let my kids go without a blood transfusion if it meant death.

    This Mum has to live with and question her religions doctrine and her own beliefs for the rest of her life.

    JWs are crazy and sick.

  • Dogpatch

    ABibleStudent says,

    It is obvious that Mr Tobin does not know WTBTS doctrine on a couple of levels. JWs are not allowed to store their own blood for a future operation for themselves either. The WTBTS has a shun-gun pointed at the mind of all JWs, so how can that be interpreted as not being unduly influenced?

    It seems that the WTBTS and its representatives are very good at spinning stories to protect the image of the WTBTS.


    Actually they are now allowed to store their own blood briefly, and not just in a running pump, but you won't find it in print. Zen from AJWRB could tell you more on that. More WT misinformation. Why? Because no one bothers to do further checks of their printed statements to see if that is what really happens. Many are happy to just quote the Watchtower mag and the Shepherding book. Very foolish. Zen of AJWRB.ORG has been talking to a few doctors recently, too, and is getting all kinds of interesting information.

    The rest of you are arguing blood from a theological standpoint, because you still believe the WT does this because of religious reasons. NOT. You are wasting your time. Fred Franz invented this doctrine to bolster the persecution and attractiveness of the organization after Rutherford's many failures.

    Read this:

    Blood Transfusion ban was Fred Franz's Invention

    Attack the vile leaders who invented the doctrine... don't fall into their stupid shell games with the Bible. Russell made it very plain, as does every other commentary on Acts, that this was not a BINDING LAW on Christians, or it would defeat the whole message of GRACE and make them legalists, putting Christ back on the cross. You're arguing with Gene Smalley is just what they want. It takes the attention off the REAL crime. Smalley should rot in jail. Fred cFranz is already well-rotted by now. Good for him!

    Here is why the Acts message about abstaining from blood has no bearing on the lives of Christians today...

    Read this:

    "Rules" for Christian Living

    I am continually amazed at how successful the GB is at convincing the Witnesses how to make the WT's dogma out to be like it is their own doctrine!

    The Sparlock video is a perfect example: use QUESTIONS to make a person feel guilty and don't TELL them what to do, but make them feel guilty if they don't. That slimy video deserves a BIG series of jokes, and many have already come through on Youtube with that. IT WORKS, FOLKS. IT WORKED with Scientology as well and the Anonymous group.

    I'm so pissed off I'm going to create a cartoon strip a la "South Park" on the Sparlock stuff. I think I'll play Cartman-style myself. :-))

    Please, all of you, do more reading on cults (not the Watchtower). You'll understand human nature a lot better.

    The most powerful way to kill off cults is to make fun of them, but not with malice. (That's why former victims should not do this... only if you were not burned by the WT yourself, so you do not subconsciously inject your own anger into the mocking.)

    It is just funny. Think Armageddon Okies.

    Why is making fun of them so effective? Because their egos are ENORMOUS and can't take the heat, and they GO OFF on you. The public sees that, and it's like watching Tom Cruise jump up and down on Oprah Winfrey's show like a nut. His cred will never be the same. And the public LOVES it, innoculating them. It's like listening to Charles Manson talk... you can never again take him seriously as to his thoughts. He is a complete idiot.

    Don't believe ANYTHING the WT says.

    This is precisely my point in my article on the WT's Unholy Trinity at:, which ALSO applies in the case of pedophilia - different levels of secrecy and policy. The comical thing is that many of you actually BELIEVE that what the Watchtower says they teach is how they will really act... obviously you have not worked with these creeps. They even hold back information and hidden policies from Circuit and District overseers, let alone elders and the "Shepherding" book. Harley Miller revisited.

    I WILL SAY IT AGAIN - if you believe the WT even after being out of it for years, you need to be exit-counseled. Or at LEAST read books that tell stories of how large corporations hide information and mislead even their own top executives, all to keep the organization alive. GET AN EDUCATION ON THIS SUBJECT.

    In this case, it looks like the WT got just what they wanted. They confuse and guilt-trip the average JW into going FAR BEYOND the WT's latest policies, even those written in their mags, because they can't keep up with it, and are so afraid they will die for all eternity they don't want to take ANY chances of slipping up. They WOULD NOT have DF'ed this young man - it was HIS DECISION... boosted by fear-induction from the elders who stop short of promising DFing. This happens all the time. The history of the Society tells many of these stories where JWs go BEYOND current WT written policy due to the effectiveness of the brainwashing! They make it appear that the decision is really the victim's - because it is! But nothing would have happened to the voung man if he took blood. The congo would not have DFed him.

    Now he is DEAD.

    The WT can wash their hands of any "wrongdoing," as it was his decision. Another feather in the cap for Gene Smalley and Fred Rusk.

    And as for the Candace Conti case...

    I posted after several pages on my original post at:

    The main players in this case are convinced that the WT cannot get out of it by a bond.

    I would imagine that an attorney who has prosecuted dozens of cases like this with the Catholic Church would at least know that much and tell their clients as such, but this is not the case.

    That's all I can say for now. We shall see.


    It seems that no one bothered to contact Cynthia Hampton or had any contact with Candace herself. THEY are the main players in this case. Why speculate when you were not even there???

    But keep in mind that both Candace and her mother Katherine are still technically JWs, which is even better, as we watch to see how the WT spins their DFing or DAing. Or will they DF them? Time will tell.

  • Dogpatch

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