hypocritical parents anyone?

by collegegirl 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Adonai438

    Hi collegegirl & welcome!
    Hope you enjoy making friends and learning some interesting stuff here on the board
    I am 22 & happily married with a great 1 year old baby. Life outside the WT is great-- I am a christian now and very happy.
    Just to encourage you if you need it, I left the JWs when I was only 15--so don't let them look down on you because you are young. They'll learn-- and learn fast that us youngins are smarter than they give us credit for. Welcome & nice to meet ya
    <>< Angie

  • chezza

    My parents had this saying do as i say and not as i do, meanwhile the swearing and drinking and arguing went on and on, but we had to be good little christians, hahahahahahhahaha.

  • mommy

    I thawt it was spelt collage? (never went to university)Welcome College girl

    Okay how about this one: Mom says I cannot listen to Pour some sugar on meby Def Lepard, because it sounds "sexual" Yet she turns the volume up on All I wanna do is make love to you by Heart, because it is such a sad song, the couple can't have a baby.

    Me thinks you are on to something

  • collegegirl

    mr. biggs - i do know you.... well, of you at least. i'll email you shortly

    crown - my whole family on both sides is in too.... right now i am hoping i can move for school and just fade.... we'll see

  • NameWithheld

    Larc - that does really expose the JW myth for what it is doesn't it? When you realize that the vast majority of the world could give a crap if you are a JW or not, and don't really care about JWs in general - if they even realize JWs exist it in the context of "Oh those weird people who wake me up on Sat mornings?". Kindof like the Moonies and H-Ks at the airports - I mean who really cares to find out about them? Not many!

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