hypocritical parents anyone?

by collegegirl 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • safe4kids

    Why anyone would want to waste their time going to college is beyond me. Don't you all know that reading the Watchtower and Awake! magazines is equivalent to a four-year college education??!!

    Welcome Collegegirl,

    I also attend a university, altho I'm a bit older than you . Glad to see you sharing on the board


  • Xander

    I've never seen any person get heat for getting higher education. People in our cong. actually seem to encourage it.

    It's a mixed bag. The society still publishes against going to college unless you HAVE to, and even then, recommends nothing more than 2-years. BUT, my sister-in-law and brother-in-law both got a couple bachelors degrees back in the 80's and early 90's. Of course, their father was an elder, so no questioning THEM. *grumble*, *grumble*

    As to the hypocrasy, yeah, it's funny. My brother and I used to dread conventions, cause mom would be all holier-than-thou for the following few days. IE., wouldn't let us play ANY computer games, if we mentioned a board game that involved conflict, she'd make us throw it out (DAMN, but I lost a lot of classic AH games that way), etc. Of course, after a couple months, she'd be back to normal-JW levels, and we could start sneaking such things back in. (Honestly, I was really a good JW boy, except for the board games. I *LOVED* conflict simulations - WWII tank battles, aerial dogfights, etc. My only flaw when I was in the borg. Of course, it made me not the 'perfect JW' in my mom's eyes, so she ragged us about it ALL THE TIME)

    (PS., college guy here, too. 23 yrs old and working full time, to boot!)

    A fanatic is one who, upon losing sight of his goals, redoubles his efforts.
    --George Santayana
  • mindfield


    Hear hear! Most JW's I know are janitors. My dad is a janitor part-time, and a bus driver. Works VERY hard. Sadly, he has no prospects of changing jobs. I don't think he ever considered it. I help him twice a week, cleaning out a garage. Very enjoyable.


    "Four year college education"? Where did you get that quote??? What a ridiculous statement! LOL.

  • Xander

    More thoughts on hypocrasy...

    Anyone remember a couple years ago when the local COs were giving talks about how evil SciFi was? You know, suggesting there were aliens went directly against the Bibles creation account, and how thus shows like 'Star Trek' (mentioned by name) were tantamount to apostasy.

    My family had a pretty good collection of old, original, (in good condition) ST books (mostly from garage sales). Mom threw them all out.

    OMFG, what a joke. Of course, a few months after the CO had left, back to buying SciFi books again.

    A fanatic is one who, upon losing sight of his goals, redoubles his efforts.
    --George Santayana
  • alamb

    OK, got you beat.
    My father molested me with my mother's blessing because if you are over 12 you are old enough.
    They are both active JW's, my mother places 200 mags a month.
    Then I get divorced and fight for custody of my children, they sign affidavits saying I am unfit due to being molested! And ask the court for visitation, one at a time, for a week at a time with 3 girls. I bring 3 PhD's to say otherwise. One says my mom doesn't have the skills to own a plant.

  • Imbue

    sixofnine says:

    One has to be careful in situations like this. Often you find yourself slanderously accusing someone of hypocrisy, when in fact they are only guilty of stupidity.

    so true.

    College girl,
    Everyone sees their parents as hypocrites when they grow up. In every culture parents are hypocrites. They are human and imperfect. Eventually you'll start to notice how much your like your mother and be horrified at first then you'll just accept it and laugh.

    Ask your friends at college. If you experience other cultures beyond the JWs you may find your mother isn't as hypocritical as you thought.

    Crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

  • collegegirl

    Hey everyone.... Thanks for the welcome! To all you in college, congrats! i love it, and hope you do too... anyhow, just wanted to clear something up. I wasn't bashing my mom for being hypocritical. I just thought it was funny. Evn if it wasn't my mom, I still would have laughed....

  • Mister Biggs
    Mister Biggs

    college girl-

    We probably know each other. You can e-mail me if you want to know who I am. :o)

  • crownboy

    Hey collegegirl, welcome to the board!

    I'm in a situation basically almost like yours. I am 19, born into "the truth", go to college (and loving it, just like you ), know the "truth about the truth", but due to my entire family on both sides being "in the truth" leaving right now is not an option (ok, so they're 4 members who aren't in ).

    I too lurked for a while before posting, but now this place has turned out to be a very good place for me. This is the only place where I can sound off my real feelings about the JW's without being looked at suspiciously (in fact, if I were too pro- JW I might be labelled a troll ), although I do drop hints to my family from time to time, especially with my little sister who shares a couple of my views (e.g. the futility of field service). My views have changed pretty drastically over the past three years since I started my "truth quest", but being able to investigate things for yourself freely is indeed one of the great things that freeing yourself from "JW think" does for you. Hopefully you'll enjoy this board as much as I do (I'm more of a reader than a poster), and I look forward to reading more of your post.

    Go therefore and baptize the people in the name of the father and of the son... what the hell, we just need to bring up the yearbook numbers!

  • larc

    College was a real eye opener for me. Before college, I thought that the JWs were like a plague of locusts, like we were taught. During college, I came to discover that the JWs were a tiny dot on this planet.

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