The WT doesn't believe in infant baptism, but does an 11 year old really understand what they're getting into isn't just a pool with a lot of people looking on?

by oppostate 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • thecrushed

    This makes me sick. Oh wait almost everything going on in the WTS makes me sick *puke*!

  • Chemical Emotions
    Chemical Emotions

    Definitely not. I was baptized in my early teens and I still didn't get most of it. Their rules on rape, molestation, etc? Nope, no idea. Didn't even fully understand what I DID know!

  • Jeffro
    weird, I tried fixing the link and it didn't work.
    Odd...facebook must not let the pic be served to another site.

    That doesn't make any sense. Facebook has no control over posting the picture on another site.

  • Jeffro

    The thing is, when another religion baptises an infant (a superstitious ritual that is indeed a waste of time), the child isn't then shunned if they later decide they don't believe what that religion teaches.

  • QueenWitch

    I feel sorry for this kid. He cannot know the implications of this baptism. I sure didn't at 17.

  • Phizzy

    I was baptized at just over 12, I knew in my heart then that I wanted to commit to serve the true God, I was baptised under the old (pre 1962/3) vows.

    I did not vow to serve an Organisation or to adhere to the teachings of men, as the later vows did.

    I did not know that in the future the WT would assume that I had vowed as they later worded them, they claim this is so because I accepted direction from them after the vows had changed.

    They are great at re-writing history to suit themselves, just look at 607BCE, if they can re-write World history what is a little jiggery-pokery with old Phizzy's ?

    And of course, just as JW's actually accept Blood, they do practice infant baptism, it usually means the poor little bugger is trapped for life.

  • MidwichCuckoo
    Phizzy - I did not vow to serve an Organisation or to adhere to the teachings of men, as the later vows did.

    In that case, your 'Contract' is not with the Org. So it's not valid for current teachings. Congrats, lol.

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    As i tell my kids when they tell me somebody got baptized:

    well thats another one who has irreversably changed their life.


  • WinstonSmith

    Mrs Smith got baptised at 10. Her reason? Because she loved God? Because she fervently desired a lifelong commitment to helping people undertand the bible? Because she wanted God's name sanctified?


    She did it because she thought it would make her Mum happy.

    A child of this age cannot possibly understand that, once they make this decision, if they change their mind in five years they will have to farewell everyone they love in order to gain their freedom.

    This picture gives me chills.

    Why can't they just let kids be kids?

    Gotta get those numbers up somehow I guess. They certainly aren't pouring in from the field.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    This should be illegal.

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