by Cacky 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • AnnOMaly

    MMM, I posted on the other thread about that. Kendrick denied molesting Candace Conti.

  • wasblind


    WHY NOT " WAIT ON JEHOVAH " ???????

    their lack of faith is showin' in such action

  • NomadSoul

    I don't know if anyone has read through all the documents, but I'm having trouble understanding how the Jury was able to award damages when there is no conviction against Kendrick, other than he confessed and caught on other 2 occasions. Did she bring up the abuse to the elders before and they ignore her?

  • Morbidzbaby

    Nomad, he was convicted...just not of molesting Candace or his step-daughter. He IS a registered sex offender. They were able to award damages due to the fact that the Watchtower covered up his history of sexual abuse and did not report it to the police so that it could be investigated. Basically, they obstructed justice in a way. The damages go to Candace because her molestation was a direct result of this man not being properly investigated and punished by the authorities. If the Society had not had the two witness policy in place as well as the policy to report cases of sexual abuse to the Legal Department and do nothing else, then Candace would have never been molested in the first place. Therefore, she deserves every red cent of that money because she ended up being hurt due to their negligence.

  • wasblind

    Like I said before

    the WTS should be made to pay what Kendrick is unable too

    On the fact that he was a Baptised Ordained minister of the WTS

    I say the WTS should pay up like the Catholics when their Ordained ( Priest ) harmed children

    I ain't no prophet, So I'll have to bet two dollars that the WTS come up wit a new definition for " ORDAINED"


  • NomadSoul

    I get all that, I was just wondering if she ever told the elders about her abuse. Can she still get a conviction against Kendrick? That would make it even harder for the Watchtower to appeal, right?

  • Morbidzbaby

    I don't think she actually mentions whether she told the elders of her abuse. From what I can see, the case has more to do with the fact that they could have prevented her abuse altogether and they didn't. Their policy made it possible for him to abuse her as well as another child (which he was convicted for THAT one). Considering he's already a registered sex offender, it's not hard to make the connection that Candace is telling the truth. I would think that even though he wasn't convicted for Candace, the fact that he was convicted later on for the other child is proof that the Watchtower enabled him to continue his behavior due to their secrecy policy.

    His admissions of guilt for his step-daughter, as well as letters back and forth to the Legal Department from the elders are part of the court documents. Even if she doesn't get a conviction against Kendrick, they will still have a hell of a time appealing due to the fact that it was their negligence that led to her abuse and it's well documented that they did not report to police and swept it under the rug.

    It's like if a company employee is injured because the manager didn't service a machine according to the manufacturer's directions, but did it cheaply according to the company's own way of doing things. The manager admits to the owner that he did not do his job correctly. The company has a crazy policy of not reporting the injury to OSHA but handling it in-house so they don't get penalized. Years later, the same manager screws up again and another employee is injured. The employee can't really prove that the manager didn't service the machine correctly because no one else witnessed him servicing the machine, but they CAN prove they were hurt on the job and that someone else was hurt as well and it was swept under the rug and that the company did nothing to prevent it. So the company is then at fault because they failed to handle the problem in the way it should have been handled and the employee is then entitled to damages from the company as well as possibly from the manager since he had a history of doing a half-assed job.

    I hope that made sense lol

  • sf

    It's so confusing, tedious and redundant and I'll admit, irritating, to create so many threads on a topic that's already has/have a thread. What happens is, some threads don't get the vital input and/or documents that the other same-topic thread gets. And that info gets BURIED.

    Does that make sense?

    Suggestion: scan the first 3 ACTIVE TOPIC pages to see whether the topic you want to feature is already up and/ or is similar. Then add to IT. I know it can be daunting, but it's important, now. Information has GOT to stay relevant, pertinent and FRESH. Thusly, the public and media will be up-to-date and able to find their info simply and easily.



  • NomadSoul

    Good luck with that SF.

    Thanks for your response Morbidz, that makes more sense now.

  • MidwichCuckoo

    Ta for posting cacky

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