Which philosophy would you personally value the highest and why?

by Qcmbr 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Qcmbr

    Thinking about the number of atheist v AG/tec/FHN/SAb threads (hehe - I'm only yanking your chains!) and I thought I should make an effort to look at and discuss the rest of the rainbow. Atheism does not define my influencing primary worldview though you'd be hard pressed to see that from my posts.

    I'd be interested in what philosphy , idea, rule(s) most influence you and why - why do you feel they are superior, what do they make you value more or less , what would you be without your philosophy. I know we are all a bit eclectic and grab bits from here and there so if anyone wants to answer ( ) I'd like to suggest we stick to our main one. I appreciate that for believers that will be something like Christ but - for me, in this thread, today - that's ok. I don't want to debate the merits I just want to see the motivations and the effects.

    If no one bites I'll post mine in a bit. I hope it will surprise you.

  • designs

    Plan for the next 400 years.

  • ldrnomo

    Positive thinking and living in the moment with an open mind

  • ldrnomo

    Positive thinking and living in the moment with an open mind

  • DT

    I have been using a basic philosophical approach that has recently been named model-dependent realism, although the ideas behind it have been around for a long time. I think of it as sort of a philosphy of philosophies or as a way of putting different world views in perspective. It primarily relates to sicientific theories, but can also relate to more general ideas and philosophies. Here is a quote from Wikipedia.

    "Model-dependent realism is a controversial philosophical approach to scientific inquiry, which accepts that reality can always be interpreted in a number of different ways, and focuses on how well our models of phenomena are. It claims that it is meaningless to talk about the "true reality" of the model. The only meaningful thing is the usefulness of the model.[1] The term itself was coined by Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow in their 2010 book, The Grand Design."


  • Qcmbr

    OOo DT - I like this. I don't quite know what it means - that no conceptual model is fully wrong if it can be applied to at least one scenario and that no model is fully right if it either doesn't apply to at least one scenario or a more fully descriptive model exists for that which is observed? Nice.

  • John_Mann

    Middle way from buddhism in the daily life. Nihilism in deep thoughts.

  • Knowsnothing

    This is the only life there is. Might as well do some good, have some laughs, be a responsible human being, and instill something of value for future generations.

    It's funny, because this description fits Epicurianism to the 't', and it was mentioned quite detailed in the book "Bearing Thorough Witness".

    So yeah, without the whole believing in gods part, I feel like I am an Epicurian.

  • talesin

    The principle of Gaia. That we are just one part of this living organism, Earth. Live in harmony with all things, to the extent that is possible.

    Also, I like what Walt Whitman said in his intro to "Leaves of Grass", particularly the highlighted portion:

    "This is what you shall do: love the earth and sun, and animals, despise riches, give alms to every one that asks, stand up for the stupid and crazy, devote your income and labor to others, hate tyrants, argue not concerning God, have patience and indulgence towards the people, take off your hat to nothing known or unknown, or to any man or number of men; go freely with the powerful uneducated persons, and with the young, and mothers, of families: read these leaves in the open air every season of every year of your life: re-examine all you have been told at school or church, or in any other books, and dismiss whatever insults your soul."


  • NomadSoul


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