Most religions mandate a background check why not JW's

by life is to short 12 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    I have made a friend who is not in the "truth". She has invited me to join a Women's Bible study group. It is national with branches all over the US about 100 women attend the group I am in this is going on my second year. They have children's groups. It is kind of neat because no one is allowed to say what religion they practice and it is nice hearing that other religions are not crazy and evil like I was taught. I have not really talked much about it because I am not sure if there is even a God I go because of my friend mostly.

    But my point in this is that anyone who works with the children has to do a background check first PERIOD!. It is mandatory. You cannot even walk into a class room without at least two adults. If a child needs to go to the bathroom two adults take the child to the restroom and both adults wait outside. The children have to be at least five years old to attend so they do not need help using the restroom and if they do both adults have to help.

    My point is that the leader has told our study group over and over how important background checks are for both the children and even the adults to stop false charges against someone.

    If the religions in the world do this and everyone I know in the study groups say their churches do the same thing why in the world dose the WT think they are above other religions.

    I mean think about it the JW's send anyone door to door without any checks on the person, we call on someone door to door bring them to the meetings get them baptized yet we are not supposed to check the internet to see if they might have a record.

    It is totally crazy when you truly think about it.


  • mythreesons

    Exactly! My boys little league for baseball make any parent involved have a criminal background check. It just makes sense! It protects everyone involved. Before someone gets baptized have them have a background check...I mean the WTS is a business, you'd think they'd know that.

  • mrsjones5

    At the church I attended in Indiana sometimes I volunteered in the toddler room. I had to do a background check. I wasn't offended by it since I knew I didn't have anything to be worried about, no record of arrest, no drug use, and I hardly ever drink.

    I think since the WT doesn't have an organized children's ministry they think it's not necessary to do background checks. I think they are mistaken.

  • biometrics

    Most religions mandate a background check why not JW's

    Because they may not like what they find.

  • diamondiiz

    JWs are better than the rest so why would they need background checks. They have spiritual paradise, they all worship Jehoover so obviously they are clean people that don't need to abide by worldly rules.

    Besides, when a group recruits either youth or adults who often have problems, the risks are great that getting background checks now would reveal a lot of undesirable traits about present jws. Now he future repercussion is that less of them would join. So not only would there be less willing recruiters, there would be less being recruited.

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    I know diamondiiz why they do not get background checks the answer is very clear because the religion would fall apart.

    Can you even begin to imagine what mandating a background would do to the door to door work. It would wipe out at least half of JW from going out in service.

    Like biometrics said they do not do it because "they would not like what they find."

    I think everyone should call Bethel and ask if the JW's they send door to door have a background check done to make sure that if the householders child answers that their child will not be talking to a pedophile.

    The phone # off the web page is 1-718-560-5600. They invite phone calls thus they give out their number so why not take them up on it and call. If more people put their feet to the fire they may stop the stupid madness.

    I love the saying "The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and od nothing."By Albert Einstein.


  • diamondiiz

    I doubt calling Bethel would accomplish anything but contacting politicians and requesting a change in policies that would require all soliciting agents to have background checks done which should include all religious ministers.

    JW claim to be all ordained ministers of god, without clergy class which is odd that they had got away with clergy penitent privilege excuse in the courts before. In fact, I may write to my MP and ask him what the laws are regarding this very thing and see if there is any way to put some safety nets into the system that would protect the public from convicted and known pedophiles.

  • wasblind

    LITS is on fire today


    Most religions mandate a background check why not JW's?

    We can`t let that happen..Child Molestation is part of the WBT$ Legacy..

    None of us have Real Jobs..

    What else do you expect us to do with our Free Time?..


  • sir82

    Why not?

    It would conflict with their mythology.

    They go to great lengths to support the myth that Jehovah is using them, that Jesus Christ has committed all his "earthly belongings" to them, that they are guided by holy spirit.

    They want the "rank and file" to believe that Jehovah is protecting the organization.

    If, now, they were to require background checks, that would be a tacit admission that Jehovah's holy spirit is NOT sufficient for their protection.

    That would be the first domino to fall for a lot of people. "Well, if Jehovah doesn't protect us from pedophiles, what else does he not protect us from? If the police can do what the holy spirit can't or won't do, why do I believe these guys are guided by holy spirit?"

    The governing body craves power the way a NASCAR fan craves deep fried twinkies. All their policies are designed to (1) protect the corporation's assets and (2) maintain their psychological power over 7 million + adherents.

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