The UN Debacle, Disfellowshipping Policies, Child Abuse Cases---Will ANYTHING Ever Sway A JW From "The Truth"?

by minimus 46 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • mind blown
    mind blown

    I agree with Bondie, they are a cult and use cult techniques. I can see it when I talk to my family now. Their reasoning skills are out the window.

  • palmtree67
    I've noticed that folks don't readily leave unless something strikes close to home.

    That's how it was for me. I had several situations develop within a few years that I just couldn't shut my eyes to anymore.

    Initially, I just wanted to take a break and get off the hamster wheel. But that time away gave me the time to really study, instead of just reading/studying what I was told to.

  • SweetBabyCheezits

    Will ANYTHING Ever Sway A JW From "The Truth"?

    Well what are we - smoked liver?

  • designs

    SBC lol

  • james_woods

    Yes, LOL to above.

    But the remaining principle is: The person themselvf has to initiate and continue the process of getting out. We can only help.

    We cannot do it for them.

  • minimus

    I left after I KNEW and couldn't take anymore of the BS!

  • Soldier77

    That's the bad part of being in a cult, there is nothing you can do to get the majority to wake up at once. There is hope that they will continue to deteriorate themselves with more Sparlock and lost abuse cases...

  • minimus

    Sad to say, most JWs wouldn't understand the stupidity of "Sparlock".

  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    Those Watchtower spectacles can blind people very effectively to innumerable reasons as to why they should abandon the WTB&TS but things that happen to others can be brushed aside. Waiting for Jah, imperfect men, new light, time and unforseen circumstances can all be used as excuses for not acting on doubts.

    When figures are "massaged" and sent to the society by elders who want a KH closer to their new luxury homes and it gets approved, even though the African bible studies can no longer attend meetings because the new Hall is not on a bus route so effectively moving Halls halved our attendance numbers. Africans didn't donate. They had no money to give. They were illegal immigrants with no belongings, jobs or homes. They thanked God daily for their lives but the elders didnt care about them.

    There were only 15 baptised publishers in total but I discovered they counted unbaptised children and studies close to the location of the new Hall but excluded bible studies and children of those nearer to the old KH. That was how they got it approved.

    When there is a problem that you have no knowledge of but must be serious because ALL the elders get demoted and new ones from another island get drafted in, it is all very strange and weird but you are not allowed to ask questions. The new elders stay 6 months and then leave "because their wives can't settle" and our original elders get reappointed and you know one of them is still corrupt so those doubts get stronger.

    But where else will you go? Still waiting on Jah to fix it.

    Then something that corrupt elder does affects you personally. Doubts are suddenly much harder to push aside. How could he? Where is the Holy Spirit?

    Research into all those past doubts and rumours is easy now you have the internet. A quick sneaky look at jwn or jwfacts. Just 5 minutes on the computer while the kids are at school just to see how evil and satanic they really are. No-one will know. Didn't seem too bad. I'm not really thinking of leaving I am just dissatisfied with the way things are going. Mmmmm is being dissatisfied a sin?

    Imperfect men. It will all become right. Wait on Jah. Yeah, still waiting. It's been a while now.

    Then something else happens and the expectation of help from brothers and sisters doesn't come

    Big doubts now are directed at God. Where is He? I know I have no secret sin. Is it Satan persecuting me? Was it going on the internet causes God to abandon me?

    There is one last ditch effort for reconciliation after not going to meetings for a few months but now I discover there is nothing left. It no longer feels right in the KH. In fact, it all feels quite alien and a little bit silly. Passing bread and wine and respectfully observing...... no-one!

    That is when being successfully swayed happens. When they are ready. And now we have the internet there is always some-one to catch them when they fall. They can find us and get support. Discover they are not the first to make the journey and that they are not alone and there is an alternative to going back.

    Social misfits still have feelings. Social misfits have breaking points too. I'm a social misfit but I got swayed after I took that first step. I didn't know about the UN, child abuse, Malawi/Mexico or any of that stuff till after I left and discovered you lot.

    So no, none of those things caused me personally to leave, it was personal tragedy that pushed me but once discovered those things stopped me from going back. Once learned they can't be unlearned.

    Now I am happy to say nothing would ever get me to step inside a KH again. I also appreciate I am one of the lucky ones because I will never have to.

  • james_woods
    So no, none of those things caused me personally to leave, it was personal tragedy that pushed me but once discovered those things stopped me from going back. Once learned they can't be unlearned.

    Now I am happy to say nothing would ever get me to step inside a KH again. I also appreciate I am one of the lucky ones because I will never have to.

    Well said, AA.

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