What was the 2012 convention drama all about?

by What Now? 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • apostatethunder

    What is true love? True love is exclusive devotion. Marry a normal worldly guy if you want it. That’s my understanding of the drama.

  • What Now?
    What Now?

    Thanks TD and wannabefree for posting.

    Good grief! Glad we bailed on the convention!

    @Billy the Ex Bethelite - don't even get me started on the crazy marriages I have seen fall apart in the organization! Or on the successful happy marriages I have seen last outside of it!

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    "Or on the successful happy marriages I have seen last outside of it!"

    UNPOSSIBLE! A marriage may evidently seem happy and successful outside of JWs, but that's only because they're doped up, drunken, materialistic, swinging 'worldlies' that are pretending to be happy to hide their misery. A marriage can't be truly joyful and blessed unless the Jehovah of Watchtower Corporation legend is the third strand that binds and gags the two together! True, JW marriages may involve a lot of unhappiness and sometimes divorce, but underneath that is real joy. It's the "Real Joy" that only JWs possess... it's a deep joy that's invisibly present in their outwardly sh!tty lives.

  • mynameislame

    Wow wannabefree i was just listening to that mp3 you shared

    Just hearing the speaker announcing the drama brings back memorys (and makes me tense)

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