What was the 2012 convention drama all about?

by What Now? 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • What Now?
    What Now?

    Hi all!

    With all of the hype surrounding Sparlock ... I didn't see anyone post anything about the Sunday drama at the convention.

    My husband and I decided that we were only going to attend the Sunday of the convention. We drove down, but got cold feet and we ended up going out for coffee and hitting up the local shopping mall, heading over to the convention for lunch to show our faces, then taking off home for the afternoon. It was a good day ;)

    Anyways after the convention on Sunday, on Facebook I saw a whole bunch of gag-worthy posts about how the drama was inspiring, a real tear jerker etc etc.

    All I know about it is that the title was "What Is True Love?"

    Did any of you manage to sit through it? I'm really curious to know what it was about. I tried searching but I couldn't find anything.

  • TD
    Did any of you manage to sit through it? I'm really curious to know what it was about. I tried searching but I couldn't find anything.


    The drama revolved around two girls. One was 'good' and the other rebellious. They were both interested in the congregation 'bad boy' who was handsome and athletic, but wasn't baptized.

    The 'bad boy' took a shine to the 'good girl' and she became emotionally involved with him. She pulled back with the aid of some sage advice from the CO and his wife when she realized he was more interested in taking over the family business than 'kingdom interests.'

    The 'rebellious' girl stepped in to fill the void and married the 'bad boy.'

    The drama fast-forwards a few years into their unhappy marriage. She's now thinking of leaving him. It seems he's not spending enough time with her, expecting her to wait on him and just generally being a lout around the house

    As an unbelieving spouse, it was the most offensive thing I have seen yet at a JW convention and that's saying a lot.

    It stunk at many levels. JW men make horrible husbands. The Elders don't have enough time for their families, they expect their wives to wait on them and they're often just generally louts around the house. JW's are everything the drama accused unbelievers of being and more.

    The only redeeming thing about the entire presentation was when the 'good girl' helped to mend the marriage.

  • wannabefree

    Just in case you really want to hear it for yourself ...

    Drama: What Is True Love?

  • WTWizard

    Not spending enough time with her?

    Here's how the hounders want it to go: Getting up and working 8 hours a day. After work, you have to study for the boasting session. If there is "extra" time, it is for field circus. Pious-sneering, which wastes even more time, is required (you get hounded if you don't) when the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger has a push for it. And even while together, it is as if you were just two starched people that happen to be working together. This is not going to result in any quality time together, let alone enough.

    How much better to remove Jehovah from the picture?

  • Zordino

    Thanks for posting wannabefree. The messege in the drama is clear. If you do not slave for the Corp and become a super duper JW, your marriage will most likely fail, your mate will treat you like snot because they're not putting the Corp first in their lives , and as if that were'nt bad enough, you will also get fat and have a miserable life with screaming kids. what a Load of Horse Shit! Its brainwashing at its best.

  • Bells

    Oh my goodness - full on!

    Just wondering, would the same sort of thing be presented at Australian conventions does anyone know?

  • JakeM2012

    wannabefree, what is the key to listening to the drama. I have never been able to view anything or listen to the ivivid.???

  • TD
    wannabefree, what is the key to listening to the drama. I have never been able to view anything or listen to the ivivid.???

    It's a garden variety MP3 (Audio only) It should play with iTunes, Windows Media Player, VLC, etc.

    Maybe you got a bad download?

  • TD

    Another observation. The JW's in the audience were friendly and cordial. One lady told me that, "I was really going to enjoy the afternoon program."

    They were all visibly squirming afterwards. Somewhere in their hearts, they knew how offensive the program had been.

    So much for the Sunday program being open to everyone....

  • Yan Bibiyan
    Yan Bibiyan

    wannabefree, what is the key to listening to the drama. I have never been able to view anything or listen to the ivivid.???

    JakeM2012, you are clicking on the wrong link. Click on the "click here to start downloading from sendspace" at the bottom of the page.

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