Reduction of Announcements

by wisdomfrombelow 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Magwitch

    Just one more reason for the rank and file to say...."This just shows - we are so close to the end"

  • Sapphy

    How will we know whose turn it is to do the cleaning?!

  • sir82

    Here is the announcement from the August 2012 Kingdom Ministry:

    Beginning the week of September 3, the
    Congregation Bible Study will be lengthened
    from 25 to 30 minutes. In his introductory
    comments, the conductor should take one
    minute to review the previous lesson. The timing
    of the Service Meeting will also be adjusted
    from 35 to 30 minutes. There will no
    longer be a separate part for announcements.
    Instead, any announcements should be given
    at the beginning of the first scheduled part.
    In most instances, few, if any, announcements
    will be necessary, and there is no need to
    outline what will be presented on the meeting.
    Announcements regarding field service
    and cleaning schedules, as well as greetings,
    should not be made. (km 10/08 p. 1, par. 4)
    If a lengthy announcement will be presented,
    it will be helpful if those participating in
    themeeting know in advance so that they can
    shorten their part.

    So I guess they still have room for announcing the DFing of child abuse victims.

  • blondie

    No announcements? What I read in the 8/2012 KM was they would not announce some things but any announcements would be tagged onto the first part on the service meeting. Any lengthy annoucements the WTS required that the first brother tell the ones after that they will have less time (haha). They were first adjusted in 2008. 5 minutes will be tagged onto the CBS and 5 less minutes on the service meeting.

    *** km 10/08 p. 1 par. 4 New Congregation Meeting Schedule ***Such announcements as field service arrangements, cleaning schedules, accounts reports, and routine letters from the branch office do not need to be read from the platform but will be posted on the information board for the brothers to read.

    ----------August 2012 KM

    Beginning the week of September 3, the

    Congregation Bible Study will be lengthened

    from 25 to 30 minutes. In his introductory

    comments, the conductor should take one

    minute to review the previous lesson. The timing

    of the Service Meeting will also be adjusted

    from 35 to 30 minutes. There will no

    longer be a separate part for announcements.

    Instead, any announcements should be given

    at the beginning of the first scheduled part.

    In most instances, few, if any, announcements

    will be necessary, and there is no need to

    outline what will be presented on the meeting.

    Announcements regarding field service

    and cleaning schedules, as well as greetings,

    should not be made. (


    10/08 p. 1, par. 4)

  • wisdomfrombelow

    I was referring to the part that was officially began every service meeting but has now be relagated to being mentioned when necessary. So sterile.

  • Glander

    not 'sposed to call it a "bulletin" board, you heathern. JayEdgar Hoover prefers "information" board

  • Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
    Disillusioned Lost-Lamb

    @ JakeM2012: You're an asshole In my cong the brothers wouldn't care if you ran over two hours, they're gonna give their part and take a few extra minutes to boot or else. I don't have a recent memory of an evening meat-ing ending on time, they ALWAYS run at least five, if not ten, minutes overtime; I'm tired, I don't want to be there, I'm surrounded by people I can't stand, it's cold, the hall smells "funny", the lightings bad and now I am forced to sit through more of this bullshit than was planed?

    AH F**K!


    should not be made.

    What the



  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    They eliminated announcements as a part of the Service Meeting due to the increasing price of gasoline, and due to the decreasing number of Ministerial Servants.

    Don't you people appreciate this new loving provision from the Governing Body?

  • lilbluekitty

    Less individuality=MORE ROBOTS

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