There is NOT "Spiritual Confidentiality" privilege for sexual abuse claims!

by 3Mozzies 10 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • 3Mozzies

    I just love this section from the case:


  • unclebruce

    Thankyou 3Mozzies.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    How did you get the court documents? I know someone posted the case# and court website earlier. . .seacrhing. . .

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Even if there was such a thing as "spiritual confidentiality" it would rarely if ever apply to the JWs. Here is why:

    The concept of spiritual confidentiality is supposed to apply to situaltions when the abuser confides in a spiritual leader regarding the abuse he(or she) has committed against someone else.

    It does not apply when the victim accuses someone else.

    Most often it is the victim or the victim's family that makes a complaint hoping for some kind of assistance.

    When the elders confront the accused abuser most often he or she will deny the allegations. The accused makes no statement that would be considered as a spiritual confidence. So why would the elders or WTS even consider that there was some grounds for the claim of spiritual confidentiality.

    This is an example of the WTS making up their own rules. And interestingly their team of lawyers haven't clued them into why it is a false claim on their part. The only possible way this claim of spiritual confidentiality might apply is if the abuser goes to the elders himself and confesses. And the law courts are refusing to let them off the hook.

  • wasblind

    " The lawyers haven't clued them into why it is a false claim on their part "

    That's because the WTS lawyers were educated at the " University of Theocratic Ministry School "

  • GLTirebiter
    It does not apply when the victim accuses someone else.

    Also, it does not apply unless there is an expectation of privacy. In a judicial committee, there are witnesses who know there is an investigation. There are multiple elders, instead being a one-on-one private confession. If the committee makes a finding, there will be a "... is no long one of Jehovah's Witnesses" announcement from the stage, or a "marking" local-needs talk.There is no reasonable expectation that what transpires in a judicial committee hearing will be kept private. (The same logic applies in the Los Angeles case 3mozzies referred to: if it was documented, then it was not a private matter between the penitent and confessor, and not protected by clerical privilege).

  • Fernando

    Thanks for that 3Mozzies!

    I hope it makes it onto a few websites...

  • Justitia Themis
  • GLTirebiter

    Justitia, use the IE compatiblity mode (or a different browser)

  • Justitia Themis
    Justitia Themis

    Thanks...I forgot. Does anyone know where the briefs, etc. are located?

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