My nine grievances against the Society from BEFORE I had ever visited a single apostate website...

by cedars 31 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Giordano

    Back in the early 1960's as a pioneer I came to these conclusions:

    1.The Blood issue is made up.....Jesus never mentioned it. Freddy Franz did.......Jesus? Freddy? No contest.

    2. Armageddon is made up. I figured that one out driving past a grammer school seeing the kids playing at recess. Kill them all because I had failed to convince their parents? Absurd.

    3. Why am I worshiping a god with a made up name?

    Conclusion: Get the heck away and start your life.

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    As I said in your previous thread: In theory, the "light getting brighter" concept implies that, as focus on a particular verse progresses, the explanation would progress from the more ambiguous to the more defined, or specific... in most instances ... as in the current "overlapping generation" it's quite the contrary: the older explanation is supplanted by a more vague one. ... the King off The North/King of The South business is another example

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