How many JWs will leave the organization after viewing the Sparlock video? Estimate

by Iamallcool 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • WTWizard

    Problem is, I don't call them witlesses for nothing. They obey first and ask questions later. They obey the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger, even if a doctrine can be proven wrong, even if their own LIE-ble disproves their doctrine.

    How many left because they changed "a generation" twice in 2 years? How many left in 1996 solely or chiefly because they thought Armageddon was now much farther off than they once believed? This video is just another "Obey the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger at all costs" reminder to those who are inside. The good news is that it might scare off people that otherwise might have studied.

  • Fernando

    "These people will shun their children for life over a single act of 'sin' committed by someone baptized at 10 years old." AK Jeff

    TTATT smells rather awful when put like that...

  • Iamallcool

    ny44m, good estimate!


    If the myriad of generation doctrine changes, the flip flopping of higher education, the df'ings, the whole blood fractions thing (you can eat ham, bread, cheese, and mustard sperately but you cant eat it as a sandwich) isnt making droves leave the org do you really think this stupid video will? Seriously?

  • JWdaughter

    It will be one of the straws on a lot of Jehovah's camels backs, but probably not the last one--for the parents. The teenagers though are going to narrow their eyes and call it BS cause they are freaking sick of the sanctimonious attitude at that point-even if they buy most of the crap information. So, it will definitely get some attention and in a few years, it will figure in a few outing stories, but I don't think it will have a starring role.

  • blondie

    The only time I saw a lot leave was after the 1975 Fiasco, the WTS lost 2% for a couple of years, but then it went back up. After 1925 failed to bring paradise, about 2/3 left. I think NY has it right, 27.

  • steve2

    A more improtant question is, how many will bother to watch it in the first place?

    Regarding the 'shock-horror' reactions of some on this site about the DVD, perspective is a helpful thing. If you want really scarey, disturbing frightening indoctrination, go to some of the fundamentalist churches in the deep south of the USA. Richard Dawkin interviewed the pastor of one such group who expected parents in his congregation to bring along their children to a "live performance" (kind of like a ghost train but not for laughs) of what it would be like to spend eternity in hell. The performance included actors dressed in satanic colours writhing in agony, lightning strobe lights, screams, pleadings for mercy and maniacal laughter from Satan as more and more people were thrown into the pit of fire. The voiceover made it painfully clear to the little darlings that this fate awaited them if they did not dedicate their lives to Christ.

    Moreover, compared to the damning pictures in the children's storybook published by the Watchtower in the 1950s, "From Paradise Lost to Paradise Regained", the DVD is light weight. Even Mom does her nicest sweetly intoned concerned-routine. The silkily-smooth American accent should have me in stitches - but even I'm soothingly mesmerized. "Talk more Mom, I'm hooked". Memories of my own dear JW mother who never raised her voice, was the most sweetly reasonable even under pressure and so loved all her children.

    "Jehovah will be sad", pines the American JW Mom. "Ahhhhh, poor Jehovah", I mutter in a sarcastic undertone. "Jehovah hates magic" continues Mom. "Hey Mom", I continue under my breath, "that's just one of a gazillion things this party-poop, one true monster hates". But I'm a good boy. I give the answers she's desperate to hear. I play the game. It's not a new game. Children have played it for generations. I go outside and dream of Sparlock and plot my new evil game of deception. Sparlock is now in my mind. I play with him and no one but my friends know. I survive. I learn to be resilient. I get over it. I've got bigger fish to fry.

    Mom certainly does her sweetest, loveliest vocal intonations and magic-minded Caleb is hooked like a squirming sardine. Child abuse? Come on - get into the real world of abuse before answering that flabbily over-reactive question.

    I should imagine that the "enormity" of its anti-magic message will be lost on many JWs and probably ignored by many.

    This will be one of many dreary anti-climaxes for the Watchtower. Just when they think they've secured compliance, another damn JW kid lights a rocket or sports a spider-man suit. Meanwhile, in Syria....

  • snare&racket

    I think the bone deep Watchtower followers will think nothing of it. I can imagine lots of them asking their kids if they want to make god sad or Satan happy over the most mundane of things.... Like watching The Simpsons or some other bullshit.

  • steve2

    I once made Jehovah sad: I was born into a pretty good JW family. But, it was all downhill from there, I'm afraid.

  • mynameislame

    I can understand wanting to get the people you care about out but honestly most of the JWs I knew deserved to be there.

    How do you know that being a JW isn't God's punishment for something?

    Maybe the Hindus are right and the children of JWs are bing punished for sins in their previous life.

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