Have the WTBS pretty much declared theocratic and mental war on ex-jehovahs witnessses?

by Joliette 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • La Falta Habitacion Por Sr Hor-Hey!!
    La Falta Habitacion Por Sr Hor-Hey!!
    I notice that they have many more statements that say:
    Obedience to the WTS/FDS/GB = Obedience to God
    Disobedience ot the WTS/FDS/GB = bad relationship with God
    Obey the WTS/FDS/GB even when they are wrong.

    This is what I've noticed more and more. Everything is The Faithful & Discreet Slave anymore. For as much as they critique the Trinity, they've implemented their own Trinity.......Jehovah, The Faithful & Discreet Slave, and jesus with a lower case j. When they're not encouraging the worship of the Slave Class, they're reitterating how wonderful it is to be part of the organization. We had the CO visit not too long ago, and two of his talks focused specifically on how wonderful it is to be part of the organization and how much other Christian denominations pretty much suck. The whole time I'm sitting there thinking to myself questioning how this is worship of God? Everything anymore is how great the GB is, and how great the organization is, which goes back to the thread question about the mental war on Ex-JWs. It's quite clear that the WT is in a defensive mode, or retention mode as of late. They could care less about any so called qualities that Christ posessed. They're only concerned with self preservation as an organization.

  • Think About It
    Think About It

    The only "mental war" the WTS could wage on anyone is the f'd up mind games they play on those that allow them.

    Think About It

  • designs

    It will be interesting to hear what is said at the DCs this summer.

  • Quendi

    The WTS is under siege and feels itself encircled. As cedars said, there has always been strong opposition to apostates, but in recent years that has been coupled with worship of the Governing Body in its guise as the faithful and discreet slave. The last time I spoke to a Witness about the role the 'slave class' was to play I challenged him to show me anywhere in Holy Writ where it was supposed to lead. Christ said the slave was to feed not lead because there was to be only one Leader for Christians and that Leader is Christ himself. As the Mastercard commercials would have put it, the look of fear and astonishment that crossed his face was priceless.

    I have found that when discussing points about the organization with Witnesses, it is best to fight fire with fire. By that I mean that since the WTS claims to be a Bible-based organization, using the Bible itself to refute its claims will make short work of any Witness, be he publisher or high-ranking Bethelite. They are helpless against a competent counter-attack and will flee the field of battle as quickly as they can, usually saying that they won't listen to "apostate" thinking. Very well. If this kind of thinking is "apostate", then the entire Bible is an apostate creation! That is another broadside I give them because it puts the fear of God in them. The conclusion is inescapable: the WTS itself is the "false prophet", the 'wolf in sheep's covering' Jesus warned his followers to be on their guard against.


  • RayPublisher

    Amen Quendi- well said.

  • sd-7

    Well, I think there was always a sense that it was war. It's just the Society is aware that they've provided very little training for their people on how to properly defend against certain opponents. Knowing that, advising JWs to retreat is just good tactics on their part. Just good business, really.

    We only fully noticed how visceral their dialogue is when we joined the other side, though.


  • cedars


    We only fully noticed how visceral their dialogue is when we joined the other side, though.

    Very true. When you're on the inside, it just washes in one ear and out the other. When you're outside, you can't believe you swallowed it up with such voracity.


  • Chariklo
    I think there's been a war against apostates since the days of Franz, and perhaps even earlier than that.

    Cedars, the persistent yet otherwise delightful old sister I mentioned in another thread referred to this obliquely when she rang me this afternoon.

    She was going on (yet again) about how this is Satan's world, and used the phrase "He even got into the Governing Body some years ago."

    Everything critical of the WT is seen by most loyal JW's (from my limited experience) as Satan's work.

    Quite clearly, they say, I ought to realise that it is Satan trying to stop me from going to the KH. Don't I realise I am doing his work/letting him win?

  • Scott77


  • Gayle

    The WT sure mentions "apostates" more than "Catholics" now-a-days. Hardly mention Catholics much any more.

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