“How can everything we’ve learned be a lie?”

by bats in the belfry 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    " How can everthing we've learned be a lie?"

    Because we had the wrong teachers.

  • james_woods

    The thought process that Terry posted is often mentioned by police who are trying to investigate con artists ---

    Many people who know they were victims are reluctant to admit it, at least to testify in court.

    They just don't want to admit in public they were that stupid.

  • Dagney

    I think the WTBS propaganda that they are special, god's channel of "the truth" (TM) has done such a number on the minds of JW's. "It MUST be the truth!" I hear in spite of centuries of facts to the contrary.

    People want to validate the years devoted to the organization. Difficult to admit one fell for charletans. And I feel they still want to be "special," they got the line on politics, religion and the future. They can't let it go and be just like everybody else figuring out life.

  • Londo111

    Just read this article linked in the OP. Wow...point per point that sounds like JWs!

  • MrFreeze

    If you stop examining what you believe closely and are not willing to readjust viewpoints then you are lost.

  • *lost*


    It's weakness. When someone joins a club/gang and realises later they have made the wrong choice ... it's so easy to walk away. They are in a position of being powerless. The conflict is massive mentally and emotionally. It does say a lot about the 'sort' of people who get drawn in by the Bible, God, Jesus, moral codes, the Christian ethos....

    The positive for us all is that because of experiencing, becoming ensnared ..... we should all be proud that we are good, normal, decent, honesthearted kind people who were drawn to this thing for a reason, but we don't need to be part of a cult, we know the real deal and it is easy.... because it comes naturally to us.We know what real love is, what real friendship is, what real family is, because we have these things.

    We appreciate sunny days. Restful days. Fun days. Nature. Science. People. Art. Books/education. Friends. We are thankful for. We are free. slaves no more.

    HAPPY DAYS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Tater-T

    marking for later..

  • Quandry

    Very good article.....why, oh, why, did I have to get mixed up with JWs for over thirty years....that I can't get back.....

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