Apostate Literature

by YoYoMama 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • seven006

    It all depends on how incredibly stupid and arrogant the person is. There are a lot of JW's like yourself that do not have a clue about life and are only interested in playing games with reality. Those people much like yourself are very sick in the head and wouldn't know the truth about anything if it came up and bit their balls off. They think they are clever because they can hide behind the anonymity of a computer and play games with other people, in the real world these people are known as chicken shits.

    Some people are just doomed to be ignorant their whole life. It doesn't matter what religion they are in the religion has little to do with their insanity. They are just plain stupid people who get off playing games with the gum ball machine they have for a brain. Stupid controlling game playing dip shit religions like the JW's attract such human Gummy Bears and they continue on with the religion because it allows them to play their sick little games and makes them feel that their boogie man god is behind them. They think its OK for them to be dip shits cuz their little god told them they can do anything they want as long as they tell him how great he is after they have slipped their Scoobydoo jammies on at night.

    So in answer to your question, people with real live brains in their head do not continue to be JW's after find out the truth about the cult. Dip shits like you will continue to be a JW as long as their brains are located in their lower intestines.

    I hope this helps, but I really doubt it.


  • Farkel

    : Is it possible after researching the net on JW beliefs, background and reading apostate information that a JW would still research the Bible and find Watchtower teachings as truth?

    That depends upon whether they are actually seeking the truth about the WTS and its history or not. If they are like their religious masters in Brooklyn who don't give a shit about the truth, they will never believe the truth even when it is plainly staring them in their face.

    Ex-JWs like me are not the least bit interested in such people: let them live a lie. It's a free world, and if they want to wallow in the JW sewer, I say "wallow away!"


  • joelbear

    People make decisions in life for all kinds of reasons.

    Do we always make rational decisions based on empirical evidence? No.

    More typically we make decisions based on how we feel about something.

    People stay in bad relationships of all kinds, not just religious.

    I'm glad that my belief in God has returned, but while I did seriously consider reattaching to the Watchtower, at this point, I'm sticking with the more immediate approach to God of personal prayer and meditation.



  • Adonai438

    Apostate literature aside I think that an honest study of scripture would not allow a JW to stay a JW. If a JW truly loves Jehovah and will follow the Bible's teaching alone- that will lead them out of the WT with or without apostate material. Apostate literature doesn't influence the fact of whether the WT is teaching truth or not. Most 'Apostate' literature is very well researched and mostly made up of Watchtower literature copies and scripture so it's what I would call compelling evidence. Never trust any teaching that does not come directly from the Bible no matter what the source (WT, Apostate, christian literature, etc...) <>< ANGIE

  • VioletAnai

    After spending years floating about trying to find my niche, I came back to the jw's. So yeah, I'm one who still believes.

    You've been a BAD boy, go to MY room

  • sf


    Take a gander here and save it for a rainy day:

    < http://groups.google.com/groups?hl=en&q=author:echelon%40cia.gov+

    I've posted my two threads for the day (which in my opinion sucks) and will post this links and links contained therein, tomorrow.

    There is so much to view in this search. Many links to research. The fact that it was also in the alt.jw forum, excited me too for some reason.

    Hey TEDDY and Cheerios...

    The TRUTH shall NOT set you free, you bastard! You will ROT. Copy that and file it away.

    Oh, and my attorney wants to know if you'll just hand over my disfellowshipment records peacefully, or does he really need to take further steps?


    If man was supposedly created in gods image, then.....holy krap...we're all doomed.-sKallyWagger

  • sf


    < http://groups.google.com/groups?q=author:echelon%40cia.gov&hl=en&selm=o79f8.15412%24Hg1.2092451%40news6-win.server.ntlworld.com&rnum=1


    If man was supposedly created in gods image, then.....holy krap...we're all doomed.-sKallyWagger

  • sf

    Ohhhhh, lookie here:

    From: A C I G \(Echelon\) ( [email protected])
    Newsgroups: alt.conspiracy.cabal, alt.conspiracy.new-world-order, alt.conspiracy.spy, alt.current-events.epidemics, alt.current-events.usa, alt.disasters.misc, alt.freemasonry, alt.freemasonry.uk
    View: Complete Thread (4 articles) | Original Format
    Date: 2002-01-16 09:22:38 PST


    Osama bin Laden is a high-ranking member of a Masonic Order called The
    Mandeans. Most of their practices match those of Illuminated Freemasonry.
    They are chiefly based in Iraq & other Middle-Eastern countries. The
    Mandeans are a key driving force in the al-Qaida, just as Masonic Orders are
    active in American & British secret intelligence.

    < http://www.gnosis.org/library/mand.htm

    They also meet with American CIA Freemasons.

    < http://nwo.hpage.net/

    If man was supposedly created in gods image, then.....holy krap...we're all doomed.-sKallyWagger

  • Nemesis


    I think as others have said it depends on the mindset of the individual. If they are exposed to too much material at once they just go into their WT programmed mode of ‘reject all they see’, then no matter what they read their mind discards it as inconsequential and therefore they carry on the same as before. These ones seem to be the most dependant types who cannot function in life without someone else telling them what to think and do all the time—and as pointed out in Ray Franz’s book ‘In search of Christian freedom’ many will look at a green book for example and call it black if the WT society tells them it’s black. They have relinquished their most precious possession—a free mind.

    I also feel it’s not just information that they need to leave the WT org. They need to learn to think for themselves and understand all the methods of mind control and propaganda—maybe a good book on the subject that doesn’t mention the JWs in particular, but the reader can see the exact same methods used by the WT org. for themselves without being told so.

    One other thing that amazed me when I was a JW is the average JW and their unfathomable ability to make up complete crap with no foundation or reason and then deem it a reality just because they claim to have “The Truth” with some other WT doctrine. It’s like they say “I have ‘The Truth’”, and then they go one step further and think because they have one “truth” [in their opinion] that they can just make up any old crap and that will somehow magically become a “truth” by default association.

    It reminds me of someone I knew years ago who worked in a postal sorting office, and he used to take a franking machine and stamp loads of blank envelopes and then use them for himself, as they no longer needed a postal stamp. Many JWs are the same—they feel they have a Watchtower “truth” stamp, and then can just take any crap or insane idea and frank it [stamp it] and it will magically become a “truth” also. It was a wonderful cause of many arguments when they provoked me to challenge their statements like: “We won’t have or use electricity in the new order”, or “We will ride everywhere on wild animals”, or “We will live in big communes in the new system like the Israelites did.”

    I’m sure there could be a massive list of stupid beliefs we could all quote that many JWs we knew believed by “truth” default association.

  • sf


    Love your photo selection. Beautiful.


    If man was supposedly created in gods image, then.....holy krap...we're all doomed.-sKallyWagger

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