re: JW Study - an update. I've heard back from him!!

by uk_ex_jw 35 Replies latest jw experiences

  • uk_ex_jw

    I have tried to try and move it down a different path now, but he is all too interested in what religion I belong to.

    Whether, as some of you has said, he is trying to get me to put something in print and then report back to the Elders, I don't know.

    All I do know is that he is majorly confused and has said how he needs to know the truth before he gets baptised and regrets it later.

    I appreciate that I haven't been totally correct over some of the things I have said - due to lack of knowledge on my part. So instead of focussing on the burial place of Russell and the links to the Mason's, I have tried to show him actual evidence in the form of recent newspaper articles on Paedophilia (to show that it is still an issue, and remains an issue) the snippet from the Elder's handbook regarding handling Child Abuse - one Witness etc, etc, The United Nations link, and various contradictions in WT literature - the 1914 generation/failed Armageddon predictions/blood changes/generation change.

    I am trying hard, but he said that he has only been to one meeting this month since talking to me. If the Elder's had got through to him, surely he would have deleted and blocked me off FB by now. It is obvious that deep down he is curious, but feels guilty for feeling this way. I would imagine that his head is in turmoil.

  • uk_ex_jw

    With regard to the guy's character, he has been studying on and off for nearly 20 years. He was studying when I was a teenager and then he disappeared off the scene.

    I think he views the Witnesses as a superior way of life that would take some time to adjust to, but it has always been a goal of his. I think he hasn't felt worthy enough, which is why he has come and go.

    Now he feels ready and I've dropped a bombshell. It is like all of his dreams have been dashed.

    I am wondering if i have done the right thing, or whether I should have let him get on with it. The only problem was that he added me as a friend and came onto my page commenting on all of my statuses preaching at me and all of my friends. So, I had to answer and I did so privately....

    Does anyone think the Elder's will come knocking? In some ways I hope they do....

  • theBGB

    On an interesting side note the CTR gravestone says "The Laodicean Messenger" I had to look up what that meant:

    la·od·i·ce·an /la?äd?'se?n/
    Lukewarm or halfhearted, esp. with respect to religion or politics

    This is probably well known to most in the forum but I'm just learning about the evil origins of the Jdubs, and find it all incredibly interesting...and frightening

  • outsmartthesystem

    "Regarding false prophocies im sure in world war 1 the earth looked like it was the last days , so i prob would have though too, people are always watching and hoping it come soon, so what if got dates wrong the bible says only he knows the hour"

    I would respond with......."Exactly.....only the father knows the hour. So why then did Russell and Rutherford try to pin point it? Why did the Awake magazine promise for decades that God's Kingdom would come before those that saw the events of 1914 passed away? You know what the bible says about false prophets. Why should you hold the Watchtower to a different standard than all other prophets? Quote Dueteronomy 18:22. Ask him why God would approve of an organization that has spread falsehoods in His name. So Jehovah's Witnesses don't get involved in war. So Jehovah's Witnesses engage in a massively inefficient door knocking method of preaching. Do these facts somehow cancel out the fact that the Watchtower has falsely prophesied in God's name?

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep
    I have tried to show him actual evidence....

    Stop telling him stuff. Show him as little as possible, especially stuff that is not printed by the WT itself.

    Ask questions. Make HIM SHOW YOU evidence.

    Get him to explain TO YOU what the new generation doctrine is.

    Make HIM use an illegitimate definition of generation and then make HIM back it up with evidence.

    Make HIM use an illegitimate definition of contemporary and then make HIM back it up with evidence.

    He has to prove to himself that the WT teaches nonsense. You can't hand it to him on a plate. He has to do the research himself.

    but he is all too interested in what religion I belong to

    That is just a diversion. The only subject worth discussing is ... was the WT selected to be Jehovah's sole channel in 1919? .... because if it was ... everything they do is legitimate, regardless of any evidence you bring to the table, including pedos, UN, failed prophesy, flip flopping doctrine/rules, togas, Jack Daniels, flesh eating rats, burials in garages, sex, drugs, Rock & Roll, homosapiens ............

  • Shawn10538

    So many people have to see the next ladder rung before they will take another step. It's like he's admitting to you that he needs someone to hand him a package called, "The True religion," and if you don't have something to sell him, he's not interested in talking to you. So sad people can't function outside of organized religion. He obviously does not have the depth or intelligence to step out on his own and try to figure out things on his own.

  • Fernando

    Hey Shawn10538!

    Methinks all of us humans are the same in this respect. We just show it in different ways and at different times and in relation to different matters.

    For example we tend to stick with or be addicted to our worldview until a more compelling one is presented to us, often also requiring a high pressure situation which forces us to leap from the familiar to the unfamiliar.

  • sinis

    Except that the Pyramid that CTR is buried under (all land) is now owned by the FREE MASONS!!!!!! Huge FM complex on the land now...

  • sinis

    Sounds like your guy has thrown his hands into the air as with regards to life and wants desperately for someone else to guide him and make decisions for him. Sad indication that your buddy may be emotionally coming undone. I would focus on that aspect, maybe he just needs to make sense of life, which can be hard, and needs everyday advice to get by and be happy...

  • ziddina

    Your answers were well-thought out and eloquently stated.

    But I think that you 'hit the nail on the head' with this thread comment:

    "Not being rude, but he seems a bit unstable and vulnerable. He also seems confused...." OP

    You said you've "let it go at that" - sounds like the wisest course to me. Unfortunately, due to his grammar and spelling, I suspect he's probably the sort who is highly vulnerable to the Watchtower propaganda - and it may be a good thing that he's stuck in the cult, rather than out committing mischief elsewhere...



    "He doesn't sound that he's all that smart. Probably best for him to have something in life which gives him guidance, even if it's the JWs...." Broken Promises, page 1


    That's what I meant to say...

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