Theories on the increasing appearances of the new GB aide?

by Lemonp 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Lemonp

    I have noticed that younger guy appearing more and more on JW TV and in special talks. \

    Can't remember his name but he is middle aged, greying, but has a business exec look about him.

    Is this guy the next gen of GB members? Or is he just an aide to help them about etc?

    Does anyone have any info on him, like if he has any professional career past?

  • millie210

    One that has been very visible is Robert Luccioni.

    I dont know the names of others though.

    I just assumed they were being groomed to take over the GB because as WE and THEY very well isnt culminating in the big Armageddon anytime soon.

  • sir82

    They've got egos the size of planets?

    That's the theory that fits, anyway.

  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower
    They/GB are captains of sinking ship and they want company and they offer more obfuscation and shelter from the outside world it seems to be a shell game for blame.
  • Hold Me-Thrill Me
    Hold Me-Thrill Me

    I believe the current GB is not up to the task. They are using the next generation to keep it all together. They appear to me to be hanging on by the skin of their teeth. They do not have the same strength of purpose or vitality present in Knorr's day. New ideas are the thing today, new gadgets and videos, not spiritual strength.

    I'm expecting them to add non-anointed brothers to their ranks as the so called overlapping generation ages. They are stuck in time, Fred Franz time.

  • Dagney
    I think the marketing firm said they need to integrate a more pleasing looking person in their social media. I heard a lot of JW's were rather embarrassed about some of the goofy the presentations were. They need a slick willy.
  • Esse quam videri
    Esse quam videri

    One that has been very visible is Robert Luccioni.

    This is the idiot who introduced the video about 'The Little Cart with a Big Heart '.

    " And here we welcome you to listen to this wonderful song and watch this heart warming video about 'a little cart with a big heart.' My oh my, a little cart with little wheels and little shelves and a little handle that rolls around the neighbourhood. A little cart with a big heart video proudly introduced by Robert Luccioni. What a guy. Slick, suave, sophisticated, debonair. Future GB material. Future generations to come will listen to the words of wisdom coming from Robert Luccioni. They will obey instructions coming from the man who introduced the video about the 'little cart with the big heart'. Something to look forward to. I wonder what kind of animated crap he will come up with when in charge.

    Yessir, Robert Luccioni. Fred Franz is dead, long live Robert Luccioni.

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell
    I would think it is all to do with marketing. That is why the GB has being getting younger over the last 10 years. In order for the cult to survive they have to start attracting the 35 and under crowd. A bunch of old 80 year old men will not just not cut it.
  • Vidiot
    He's gotta be somebody's protégé.
  • Sofia Lose
    Sofia Lose

    It is only fair that the current GB gets the boot based on their age, just like the gave the boot to the DOs.

    It is a good business model, though.


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