Why Did Romania's Jehovah's Witnesses Disfellowship The Governing Body For Apostasy?

by Bubblegum Apotheosis 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jgnat
  • Pterist


  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    00DAD- Actually the Pharisees were the Liberals of their day and the good guys.

    Yea I'm glad they iced that long haired jerk, what was his name? Jesse, George, James, oh yea, Jesus

  • Eustace

    What happened in the nineties, I do not know, but Ray Franz was invited for a meeting and speech, and I think this had to do with it. You can find the videos of that speech on YouTube.

    Is this it?


  • Eustace

    Excuse me, here it is as a link:


  • raymond frantz
    raymond frantz

    After the Romanian ban was lifted, members and representatives of the Governing Body were able to meet thousands of long-separated Romanian Witnesses, but some Romanians still rejected certain changes and preferred their autonomy, forming The True Faith Jehovah's Witnesses Association in 1992. This group still exists today and this is their website http://the-true-jw.oltenia.ro/ From their home page it looks like they are a big group and well organised to have a mini convention?

  • raymond frantz
    raymond frantz

    The following is an extract of their website which is a REALLY an extract of a 1930's Watchtower and they use it as a direct attack against the GOVERNING BODY !!!

    Evil Servant
    "He sitteth in the temple of God, setting himself forth as God." ( II Thessalonians chapter 2 )

    The "man of sin" by his course of action "opposed and exalted himself on high against every one called God". (Rotherham) This he does by putting himself above what God's commandments require. He puts himself above Jesus Christ and exempts himself from being God's witness. Jesus was and is the Faithful and True Witness of Jehovah, and he has committed a portion of the testimony to his faithful followers and commands them to go forth and give a witness. The opposers set themselves up above Jesus Christ, refuse to obey the commandments and to bear the reproaches that came upon Jesus. They refuse to be "subject unto the higher powers", to wit, Jehovah and Jesus and the inspired apostles who set forth the commandments to God's people; and claim that "the higher powers" has reference to the governments of Satan's world. They are thus deceived and deceive themselves. - Matt. 10:24; Rom. 13:1.(The Watchtower, September 15 and October 1, 1930)
  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    The Watchtower, April 15th, 2010, Page 28:

    Are You Keeping Up With Increased Light?

    Cos if not you will get a shock when all the changes hit in one go! Likely you will stop giving us your cash as you realise it is all a load of bull. That is the real reason meetings are important. Being drip fed new light is never the shock a bucket load all at once will be. Likely that much in one go will wake you up!

  • raymond frantz
    raymond frantz

    This is such an interesting story ! The Watchtower in the 2006 yearbook dedicated 100 pages to ROMANIA and they say nothing about this .Oh hold on ! They used again the same tactics of misinformation and slander and character assasination with the following comments :

    Extract from Year book follows

    "Satan Sows Seeds of MistrustThe Devil attacks God's servants not only from the outside but also from the inside. For instance, some brothers who were released in 1955 and who had held positions of oversight prior to their arrest were not restored to their former office. In response, they grew resentful and sowed seeds of discord. How sad that after standing firm in prison, they caved in to pride when set free! At least one prominent brother, in order to avoid punishment, even went so far as to cooperate with the Securitate, causing much harm to the faithful and to the preaching work.-Matt. 24:10."

  • raymond frantz

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