One country under god or all countries under god?

by tootired2care 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • NewChapter

    yeah, that under god wasn't added until 1954. It was a huge mistake.

  • tootired2care

    Intersting vid, it seems like the rationale is that they view the U.S. as the kingdom that Jesus referenced repeatedly in the gospels. Which is really an odd conclusion to come to when you factor in points such as these.

    • That Jesus rejected the kingdoms of the world when Satan offered them.
    • That Jesus turned down an offer to be made king while he was here.

    Hopefully these guys don't take over or we'll have another inquisition on our hands.

  • NewChapter

    And I think it is the US's responsiblity to then make disciples of all the other nations. I wish I could find a different vid I watched on it. It was more clear. But anyway--the ideas are there. They often site rise in crime as the fault of prayer removed from schools. But the stats don't hold up. Violent crime has actually gone down---and as tempting as it may be---I DON'T attribute that to the removal of prayer in school.

    They are just like JW's in that they are captive to confirmation bias.


  • tootired2care

    The decrease in crime is actually one of the things that got me to wake up. You remember going out in service and asking the householder if they think the crime will ever get better followed by pitch for kingdom. Well 15-20 years later is has!

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Bob Dylan wrote a song called "With God on OUr Side." Many Americans believe God is the sole agent of the United States. Joan of Arc is a good example. Devil, dangerous male dresser to the British, saint to the French. The Pope chose countries. European countries fought each other. Both sides were nominal Christians. Each side believed Christ was on their side.

    The OT Israelites certainly believed only they had God.

    The Romans seemed a bit different. They loved adopting the gods of other countries to add fire power to their own gods.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Bob Dylan wrote a song called "With God on OUr Side." Many Americans believe God is the sole agent of the United States. Joan of Arc is a good example. Devil, dangerous male dresser to the British, saint to the French. The Pope chose countries. European countries fought each other. Both sides were nominal Christians. Each side believed Christ was on their side.

    The OT Israelites certainly believed only they had God.

    The Romans seemed a bit different. They loved adopting the gods of other countries to add fire power to their own gods.

  • tootired2care

    Speak of the devil...I just saw an ad pop up on this site for a prayer for our nation with Billy Graham.

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