One country under god or all countries under god?

by tootired2care 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • tootired2care

    Do non JW brands of Christianity or Mormom hold to the idea that the United States as a country has divine providence or backing to the exclusion of other countries? If so what supports this position?

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    Some do indeed hold that idea. What supports that position? What supports any religion's idea's? Absolutely nothing, their preachers say so and that's what the weak minded in society believe. Either way, this problem of religion and state is really in every single country on earth, God Save The Queen?

  • tec

    Do non JW brands of Christianity or Mormom hold to the idea that the United States as a country has divine providence or backing to the exclusion of other countries? If so what supports this position?

    I suppose some american brands of christianity might think so, lol.



  • NewChapter

    There is a painting of all the founding fathers signing the constitution---and Jesus is there. I always forget where to find it, but definitely some religious sects consider America to be some kind of theocratic gift with Jesus as the king. It's bizarre considering how careful the founders were to keep things secular.

  • NewChapter
  • tootired2care

    Well one day I was listening to a sound byte of Glenn Beck going on this tirade about how the U.S. needs to support Israel, and that the forces of evil are all arrayed against Gods shinning country on the hill the U.S. I thought to myself what a weird thing to say. I know that many others hold this idea too, the Born Again's, Mormons and methodists come to mind. In fact I think Rick Perry even made some similair statements during his campaign. It would just be interesting to know what their reasoning was to come to that conclusion that God is on the side of the United States to the exclusion of other countries.

  • NewChapter

    I think he changed something. Some months ago, when I read the description of the people in the painting, I really believe he had the pregnant woman representing socialism. Now it says that everyone in her corner, EXCEPT her, represent socialism. I can't prove this, but I think he changed the description. I remember making cracks about it. Unless I misunderstood then, which is a definite possiblity, but I really remember this.


  • NewChapter

    In fact I think Rick Perry even made some similair statements during his campaign.

    Rick Perry was involved with, and supported by a group that believes they have to take back the seven mountains in order for god's kingdom to be established. Obviously they think this will happen in the US.

    The mountains were things like, Education, Government, Business, Entertainment---I'll have to look it up again. But his involvement with them was not incidental.


  • NewChapter

    TooTired. This topic is of particular interest to me. In the eighties, I went to some bible studies and these fundamental Christians were all about gaining power and taking over the US. It's a long story, but I'm starting to see their efforts pay off now. There is definitely a very power hungry group that wants this country to be under the fist of god. Here is a video to explain the 7 mountains that Rick Perry was involved with.

  • tootired2care

    Yes, Perry was a strange one, and just looking closly at the pledge of allegiance you can see the founders had this thought too. I just wonder what the reasoning behind making such statements is or is it just pure hubris?

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