Known Pedophile takes young boy to bathroom at circuit assembly....WTF?

by QuestioningEverything 54 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • cofty

    What Dreamgolfer said x2

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    The purpose of escorting a child into the bathroom is to protect them from perverts. It would be better to let the child go in on his own and take his chances than to have a known perv go in with him.

    If the kid is that young then why wouldn't the mother just take him into the womens bathroom with her? This makes no sense but then again odd things happen in JWland.

  • nugget

    Tell the family and tell the authorities. Even if nothing happened this man is giving in to temptation and it may only be a matter of time. What the heck were they thinking a hall full of people and no one stopped him. This apathy is disgusting.

  • biometrics

    I have a boy that age. I'd NEVER let him go to the toilet (or anywhere else) with anyone, even if I know them. The only exception are his grandparents.

  • flipper

    Chop his balls off, seriously

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    That makes me soooooo angry.........and makes me want to cry...all at the same time.

  • Think About It
    Think About It

    The mother could have taken her little boy to the restroom, but no doubt her JW teacher thought it was more important for her to remain in her seat for indoctination, while the known phedophile escorted her little boy to the restroom.

    Think About It

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Yep....thats more than likely the case Think About it....

  • the_raisin

    WTF that's just so sad and angering!!!

    I would call the authorities, anony of course, but first gather everything you can about him, and this particular case, because let's be real, the elders and the other JWS are not going to do anything, and this sick bastard is just going to keep abusing kids.

    How those people who saw what happened and don't do anything about can sleep at night baffles me.

  • diamondiiz

    If your MIL can point out who the study is, you can go up to her/him at the kh and tell them about the pedo.

    WTS God's chosen scumbag, doing humanity a disservice one victim at a time

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