Confused in career choice :( Please help!!

by will-be-apostate 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • jwfacts

    Welcome. It was nice to read your story.

    The worst is that I feel depressed, I feel like I can die in any minute. Before finding out that I`ve been misled I felt that I was immortal. Now when my mother drives the car, when she drives hundreds of miles alone, I always have the feeling that those are the last moments I spend with her, I mean the moments when I wish her a nice trip. I always remind her to fasten the seat belts. All day I am thinking about how old my parents will be in 2030 if they will be alive. I cry very often. (yeah, I am a guy, and 18). I try to think rational. Is this not true that we probably have 16000 more days in our life, or maybe less..16000 day, 384 000 hour.. it makes me so sad and desperate.

    There are a couple of things about that comment. If you still believe in God, then you still have the hope of a resurrection, just it may be a different resurrection than you were taught by the Watchtower. If you no longer believe in God, life is more fragile and your own mortality can make you sadder, but it need not be cause for depression. Instead, life becomes more precious, and more reason to make sure you focus on the important things and enjoying each moment.

  • LouBelle

    Hello there. It is a hellofa lot to take in and to wrap your mind around. The best you can do is take a deep breath, let it out slowly and nod your head. You know the truth about the truth. You may have to stay in for your parents for a while or until you can take that step, so don't stress out about that.

    When I learnt the truth about the truth - it rocked my foundations. Now what? I wasn't going to live forever on a paradise earth!! that is a huge thing to accept when you've been told it your whole life. It is not the end of the world though.

    Career choice - do something you enjoy doing. If you can study in that field - even better - if the parentals say "the end of the world is coming" just say you want to study so that it frees up time for you to preach. Or that you need to study because jobs are getting harder to find withouth tertiary education. Like I said though - do something you enjoy doing - just makes things a whole lot easier to be motivated and to succeed.

    All the best.

  • will-be-apostate

    Thank you for all your answers. I think I will survive this period. I forget to change the title of the topic. originally I wanted to write about career choice and but the introduction turned to be longer than I wanted. :D

    Here is the link to the post about my career choice.

    Thank you again :)

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