Would mankind be better off without religion today ? A topical debate .

by Finkelstein 70 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Perry


    Your very question is offensive to anyone who loves freedom. Who would enforce such a thing? Who do those clowns think they are debating that nonsense? Some atheists have tried this before like Stalin, Polpot and Mao , they killed hundreds of millions of their own countrymen for goodness sakes. These atheists make AlQuaeda look like boyscouts.

    Once you start regulating people's thoughts and affections where do you stop?

    First, you get rid of belief in transcendence then the next day its guacamole, then the day after that it's your political enemies that don't deserve to live, then their families, and then their relatives, ... vendetta paranoia.

    Since many famous atheist philosophers admit a lack of unifying moral source inherent in the belief of "no God", how would rights be established in such a world?

    Alot of my customers are Indian. I get to hear whether I want to or not about Krishna and other ideas of theirs. I share the atonement of Christ with them, and we move on. My atheist friends no doubt think I am a very silly man for believing, which is what a true freedom loving atheist should naturally think from his point of view. We get on and move on. I would die to protect people's right to believe differently than me. I personally think that is worth dying for.

    Debates about a world without religion is really more of a discussion about anti-freedom & totalitarianism.

  • Finkelstein

    We just witnessed a American moment from Perry

    Your a true patriarch Perry, proud, strong and and free.

    God bless America !

  • Low-Key Lysmith
    Low-Key Lysmith

    Religion would be fine if it were ever possible to truly and without exception separate church from state. This current war on women & homosexuals is absolutely ridiculous & offensive.

  • Finkelstein

    Since many famous atheist philosophers admit a lack of unifying moral source inherent in the belief of "no God", how would rights be established in such

    a world? You could also turn the table around and say that certain religious beliefs endeavored and embellished immorality against humanity and still

    does to this day. This was briefly touched on by Dawkins in the video. Short answer would be secular humanism and the rights of THE individual..

  • talesin

    Hells yah! Do some reading about the "Reformation", and the slaughter and torture of tens of thousands, to get a mere glimpse of the suffering that it has caused ... that was back in the 1500s,,, and that is only about the machinations of the Catholic Church vs Martin Luther et al ... religion is a political tool that has caused untold suffering over the ages.


  • Finkelstein

    Perry says .. "I'll give you my bible when you pry it from my cold, dead hands!

  • OldGenerationDude

    Vanyell - Were all those atheists who endorsed and embraced Communism/Marxism/Leninism/Stalinism/Maoism really atheists or opportunists? How many politicians really embrace the religion or set of convictions they claim to cherish? If the millions that supposedly chose these types of government were steadfast in their atheism, where did they all go when their states crumbled? How did religions suddenly pop up when they did? Apparently more than merely the atheist politicians are being opportunists, huh?

    Low-Key Lysmith, my mothers, who are lesbians, are very religious women. One of them has just been ordained as minister of a major Christian religion (UFMCC) that embraces homosexuals into their fold. Their interpretation of the church and state issue is that the state cannot interfere with any person's religious convictions, whether they choose to exercise them privately or publicly, including in the political arena. Their denomination fights for the right to exercise not only freedom of convictions like atheism but for the freedom to worship God, a fight that as gay people they have to bring into the political arena. Are they, one of millions of gay religious people who are doing the same thing in connection with MCC churches around the world, wrong? Explain in detail please if they are, so they can read it and send it to their current moderator (who is also a lesbian, by the way).

    You know what is stupid? That people let these booksellers sell them the idea of the "debate." These people are booksellers just like the Watchtower is (or was). Some might help a little here or there, a few might even be genuine, but the rest--they debate and like to have their debate published because it's a business.

    Debates don't settle issues because by nature the debate forum is not about who brings the best evidence for full examination and test to prove something but who is the better debator. Do some study on forensic debate and you'll see. Debate is designed to make the better speaker the victor, not to settle issues.

    Mankind is neither better off with religion nor is better with it. The truth is that even with all the good that religion and atheism can bring to the human race, we manage to screw things up with bloody inquisitors and religion-crushing Communists in the name of both. If neither set of convictions existed we would invent something else to take their place and then blame them for our shedding blood and crushing others. It's not religion that's bad, it's us.

    You and I, we can and will do evil. It's part of our nature. We don't have the courage to blame ourselves, and anyone who does tell us the truth we stone or gas or murder.

    We just want to be right, and we'll shed the blood of anyone we have to keep that illusion alive, whether it's in the name of a god or in the name of believing there's no god to do so.

  • talesin

    Nope, I am opinionated, there's no doubt about it,,, but am happy to 'agree to disagree' on almost any subject except pedophilia, and the fact that JWS is a cult.


  • OldGenerationDude

    Yeah, we're anything but doing what's wrong. When we call others horrible things or say something that we would find critical or hurtful to ourselves, we excuse ourselves for saying it about others by chalking it up to "opinion."

    "Opinion"-sminion, I say. Words are powerful. That's why the JWs got as powerful as they have. Words, whether you call them opinion or not, still hold the same power regardless of the label.

    People have killed themselves because others wrote their personal opinion about them and spread it on the Internet. Those were opinions, right? No less lethal. Those people are dead. They're no less dead because what was written was just "opinion," are they?

    If we don't believe that we can and will screw things up as badly as anyone else can, regardless of religion or lack thereof, then we're truly to be pitied. The world is what we make of it, and since it isn't very good right now, everyone in it and all the elements--the religious and non-religious--are responsible.

    Passing the buck doesn't make the buck go away.

  • Low-Key Lysmith
    Low-Key Lysmith

    I see what you're trying to say here, OGD, but why can't religious gay people just worship the way they see fit without having to bring their beliefs into a political arena? Why do they need state approval to worship as they see fit? My point is, if everyone would just keep their beliefs and faith to themselves, without needing acceptance or permission from someone else, wouldn't that make things easier on everyone? If you are gay and want to be a Christian, just do it. Who cares if your Congressman thinks it's ok for you to be a Christian or not?

    And no, I don't think it's OK for religious folks to try to force their beliefs into state law and legislature. To coin a cliche, it's the same as the example of watching TV. If you don't like the program that's on, don't watch it. There's no need to try and squelch the program so that everyone else can't watch it, if they choose to. Mind your own business on matters of faith and beliefs and everything will be much better for everyone.

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