Is it me or is that ewatchman guy way too negative?

by Inisc 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • diamondiiz

    His site might be a stepping stone out for those who deeply believed wts BS. I know I was on his site for a short time as I was researching wts, it might have been just prior to writing my da letter. His ideas are not much different from wts, and he can't seem to move on. While we all have our problems here with our past and can't seem to totally move on - thus we still post here - ewatchman seems to delude himself with the idea that somehow he's anointed and there is Jehovah who will bring in imaginary salvation to mankind right around the corner. That around the corner rhetoric might be even louder on his site than what other jws hear at their local khs. I haven't been on his site in probably 3 years so I'm not sure if he's still repeating the same BS. From what I remember he had a small cult like following who liked to hear nonsense that made them feel good inside that the end was imminent.

    His conspiracy theories are likewise tied to the believe that the end is imminent and logic is thrown out the window. While the crisis of '08 hasn't gone away and there is much more to come, it has nothing to do with conspiracies nor with god's plan but with simple human natural cycle that has repeated itself many many times in the past. A good theory on human cycles can be read in The Fourth Turning, which compares human cycle to the seasons where our cycle repeats itself every 80-100 years.

    As many continue on their research, they can easily see ewatchman as no different as gb or some other stuck up elders who have their heads up their ass and can't see the light of day.

  • ProdigalSon

    I'm the member here that Nambo was talking about in his post above. I'll never forget Robert because of his prolific essays that helped me to see that the Watchtower was a false prophet and this was so liberating for me spiritually that I can't even describe the feeling in words... but when someone first ventures into apostasyland its easy to get sucked into an offshoot cult like his. I find it hard to understand why someone as brilliant as he is can see through the Watchtower but not the Bible, which enables the cult and all "Christian" cults and their thousands of sects. I can't figure out if he's still naturally deluded or if he's a charlatan who is knowingly trying to ensnare those leaving the cult for his own cult. I used to wonder if he was a member of the Freemason "Brotherhood" like Chuckie Russell but I don't think so. The vibes I get from my dealings with him is that he passionately believes his own nonsense. That doesn't mean that he's not because these clowns can live double lives and keep their own families fooled.

    In fairness, he never tries to rope anyone into anything like Donald Burney's ilk, but as for being a nasty guy, well he certainly is, as soon as you question certain WT "truths" like the anointed class, who should partake, trinity, cross, know, like those 40 "basic truths" that Burneyites can't let go of.

  • Nambo

    Eee, its like a reunion.

    Prodigalson, what became of that forum that was started after Robert had his mass purge? I never joined that as I escaped the clear out for a few months anyway, is it still going?

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    was that Tim's forum?

  • Dogpatch

    He went under the handle of "You Know," and represented one of the meanest, cruelist persons on this board. He continually trashed a lot of people like he was some angry dad, and they would be destroyed at Armageddon if they didn't comply. Aren't his posts still archived under "You Know," ?

    Then he disappears for awhile and puts on a nice face, a good-looking website, and becomes e-Watchman, the prophet of God. He developed a good following! Of course no one knew he was You Know or were aware of his posts. He advertises heavily nowadays, must have some bucks! Simon or maybe the mods know if the posts are still here. Simon usually doesn't delete posts.

    He even tried to get in nice with me when he first started his new front. Amazing! He really wants a big following for his views. I might have saved some of the posts myself. I'll see. I save most everything and have multiple backups in various locations around the country.

    Maybe his real personality is coming back. I never visit his board or read any of his stuff, he disgusted me so much.

    Ask any of the older mods and see if you get an answer. Any of you old timers remember?


  • Inisc

    Diamondiiz, your right it is a stepping stone after leaving the WT, when your looking for answers he does seem to interpret the bible slightly better, but is still parallel to the WT.

    But he is more 'end is nigh', and he still pretty much believes the WT is true just a bit misguided in interpretation.

    And everything is so scary doom and gloom on his site, everything is all nuclear war, WW3, Iran this and Russia that. I've gotta stop lookin at it it's too depressing, tho at the same time if you don't believe much in the bible it all seems completely looney!

  • thenoblelodge

    I was on there for a while but it was way too dubby for me. Also too many preachers

  • AnnOMaly

    He always had too cultish a mentality for my liking and I found it the height of hypocrisy that he dissed Ray Franz for his 'heresy' but he was an ousted heretic himself. Too full of his own importance. Having said that, he makes some fair observations about what's wrong in Witness-world and he has provided a half-way-house for those just waking up. (Me, I preferred to be on Tim's Pathways forum at the time.)

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I used to enjoy chatting with people on that board. It wasn't until he wanted everyone to do the goose-step that it fell apart

  • whathehadas

    That guy is a straight up arrogant asshole. He acts like he knows it all and surprisingly he fits the WT label of apostate better than most EXJW out there. People on here crack on Rick Fearon as a loony and IMHO Robert King aka e-Watchman is waaaay worse than that guy. He constantly is disrespectful and nasty to those who don't believe in all his WT bipolar drivel. He thinks he's a prophet, but he needs a good crack across the head. I've had a little exchange of words with him on YouTube, while I had been newly awakened to the WT lies. He makes me angry with his hypocritical double speak talk about the WT. How is he of any help? As LuciousVBogey would say, "Spanky"

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