Brother Hero wants to watch Faith in Action with me this Saturday

by garyneal 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep
    A major key to spotting and unravelling WBTS slight of hand, methinks too!!

    I've had JWs claim that this behaviour is acceptable. My mistake was not getting them to condemn the behaviour before I showed them the WT had used it.

    You have to get them to go around and lock all the gates before you let the lions in.

  • garyneal

    Well, just got off the phone with Brother Hero. Tomorrow is the day that he is suppose to bring over the video to watch with me.

    Now, I called him last week and asked him to bring me the answer to my original question concerning blood. For those who did not read my thread documenting our 'bible study,' my question (which he has yet to answer) is, "How come Jehovah's Witnesses believe that they must abstain from blood but permit fractions from blood and if fractions are allowed why are Jehovah's Witnesses forbidden from donating blood for its fractions to be used?"

    He told me that he did not have an answer because he did not know. Honestly, I can accept 'I don't know' as an answer but it leads me to question why should anyone accept any part of this doctrine at all and why believe that accepting blood causes you to be cut off from God's good graces.

    Should I let him over my house to discuss this issue and watch the video?

  • baltar447

    It's your house. Is your wife going to be there? If catching him in some really bad logic or not being able to explain something makes your wife think, might be worth it. Otherwise idk. I'd love to have an unsuspecting JW over for a "discussion" lol.

    Might be fun. But then I'd get tired of shooting fish in a barrel.

  • bohm

    yah, why not? The more open you are to their point of view, the stronger argument you can make to your wife to be open to yours. Asides, who knows, you might end up converting ;-).

    Also he sounds like quite a friendly and sincere guy.

  • garyneal

    Well, I kind of tired of shooting this fish in the barrel but if he wants to discuss the blood doctrine some more, why not.

    I will let you all know how it goes.

  • Shawn10538

    It's your time to be wasted. I just want to say Fernando's suggestions are hilarious. I think think you should do thAT. Saddle him with so much research that the guy faints from exhaustion. Then he can't pioneer anymore for health problems. spends a season or two in a sanitorium. Thinks about life for the first time and decides to quit the Watchtower (too much work and study!) and go to college.

  • ziddina

    Hee hee hee hee!!

    I haven't watched the video yet, but I have a feeling that I could have a LOT of fun with an elder or any active JW foolish enough to sit down and attempt to watch that with me...

    Especially with my stockpile of older JW literature....

    I'd organize a few quotes from the literature - or preferably from newer literature - and every time an erroneous statement was made on the DVD, I'd pause it and pull out the contradictory information from their OWN literature, and show it to the elder... Along with some pointed questions.

    Bet I could make the elder run out of the room!!!

  • Acluetofindtheuser

    It was kind of cool to see old movie clips of Russel and Photo Drama of Creation in the DVD. After seeing Russel talk on camera I wondered what the org would look like if he were alive today? He was quite the revolutionary who wasn't afraid to speculate. If he was on the GB today he'd probably be kicked off for being too wild and independent.

    Can you imagine the outcome if they had young GB members today? They should have one wild card in their ranks to shake'm up a bit? One revolutionary 25 year old maybe. Fresh and new ideas usually come from the younger generations. Just look at the StarWars movies. Lucas was very imaginative in the beginning, with his first three films. The last three were just yuck, except for the fight scene with Darth Maul, Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi.

  • ziddina
    " am not sure which topic I want to bring up concerning the movie. The only thing coming to my mind is the part where they made a big deal about the book called, The Finished Mystery. According to the video, the witnesses were all excited about the book while the clergy of Christendom were all upset because it had a lot of bad things to say about them. That book alone would make their beliefs of the time look like laughing stocks but I am not sure how to use it to target the dishonesty. ..." Gary Neal, page 2

    Didn't someone post a link back a while, where one could read the "Finished Mystery" book, online???

    Lemme see if I can find a link...

    I think this is it...

    Just click the link to the left that says "Read online"... And you may have to "zoom" the pages in order to read them...

  • garyneal

    Frankly, I have not seen the video again since my wife and I watched it. Since I have already seen it, I will probably use that as an angle to insist that we come to an understanding of my questions concerning blood before we look at it again.

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