Need info on Revised JW book that was 'recalled' ... was it ....

by talesin 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • talesin

    The Truth that Leads to Eternal Life?

    I am trying to raise some money for school, and my father has given me consent to sell his collection on E-Bay, which dates back to the Rutherford days. My sibling and its progeny have no interest in retaining the library, so he would rather sell the books, than see the collection eventually go in the trash.

    There is a book that has been discussed here before, that was revised. Apparently, the original copy has some damning quotes in it, and the Society had gotten many JWs to 'turn in' their original copies.

    I've tried using the Search function, and am thinking it may be the above book.... the other title I was thinking it may be is This Means Everlasting Life.



  • baltar447
  • talesin

    Yes, that is it, Baltar! You must be much better at this stuff than I. ;)

    Thanks, I will check with him tomorrow to see if he has this one. I know he has never 'turned in' any books.



  • talesin

    PS... I have bookmarked that page, and tx again.

  • baltar447

    No problem, I seem to be pretty skilled and finding information quickly. What can I say "I'm good at the google"

  • talesin

    that is a good skill to have, my friend


  • wezz

    Hi talesin, Could you post or PM me the link to the ebay offer?

  • Bubblegum Apotheosis
    Bubblegum Apotheosis

    talespin, how much will you sell "Faith on the march? by Macmillian for? I would like to buy a copy of that book.

  • Phizzy

    Dear Talesin, the book the Soc recalled here in the U.K was the peachy coloured "Paradise" book for children, the one with the scary pictures. The other book that is rare is the early fifties (?) first edition, green, "Let God be True", this was replaced by a poopy brown coloured revised version.

    All three of these should comand a higher price than run of the mill WT crap.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    A 1934 yearbook should get good bids.

    1971 The Nations Shall Know That I Am Jehovah”—How?, has a great failed prophesy that can be used in the advertising.



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