What Is Missing From This Picture, 7/12 Awake! p.30

by breakfast of champions 12 Replies latest social current

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    For one, Eve is evidently hiding her breasts behind a small hippo.

  • designs

    Hippo Love!

  • 2tone

    There hiding the belly button because Eve wasnt born. Which doesnt make any sense.

  • 3Mozzies

    I think the picture looks fine . . .


  • shopaholic

    They now have kids activities in the mags? Youngins can color and the next page has bible cards you cut out and collect?! I remember a time when the mags were considered sacred and you never threw them out and would not even think of cutting them for pics.

  • poppers

    Hey 3Mozzies, where's the talking ass? And what's up with the cross?

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    3MOZZIES - inspiring art work! Excellent job. Wouldn't mind a couple horns on those "unicorns" in the background there. . .

    A rainbow would be pretty too, but a bit of an anachronism, this being before the flood and all. . .

    And good point SHOPAHOLIC - it wasn't all that long ago that connect-the-dots would be a desecration of near-holy writings!

  • undercover

    I guess this doesn't fall under the WTS definition of obhorrent porn...

  • Mr. Falcon
    Mr. Falcon

    I know what's missing.... DINOSAURS! you know, those large sharp-fanged reptiles that were washed away when Noah got in his magic box!

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    LOL MR FALCON! I picture the hippo calling Adam "Not the mama!"

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