Need some advice

by craigulous 13 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • craigulous

    To all my new friends, I need some advice. As I posted in my original post I am not disfellowshipped, I just did a fade as I believe everyone here calls it. I have great parents who are still part of the organization, and do not pressure me, but at the same time I must live a lie, and they have no problem with me living a lie, as long as they are comfortable. They can talk about their beliefs, but I must keep mine secret.

    I believe that living this lie is causing me great internal conflict and on some level keeps me from achieving my dreams, or for that matter even creating success in my life. My wife (who was never a JW) believes that if I was disfellowshipped or disassociated it would liberate me, and resolve my internal conflict. I actually agree with her, but I am not sure that I can go through with it and lose my parents.

    Your thoughts and experiences are appreciated ahead of time.

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    Here is the problem with cannot freely express yourself and you really have no real relationship or closeness with whatever family and friends you may have in the 'truth.'

    You try to put on a show for them and it ends up eating you up. Your wife is right to a degree, thing is its not that YOU need to be disfellowshipped or disassociated, instead YOU NEED TO DISASSOCIATE JW's FROM YOUR LIFE.

    here is a thread I posted about conditioning and how to uncondition your own mind.

  • Perry
    I actually agree with her, but I am not sure that I can go through with it and lose my parents.

    These are real tough choices, no doubt about it. Jesus as God didn't minimize the difficulty, but addressed it openly.

    "Marvel not at this: for He that loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me."

    Later Jesus said: "And every one that hath forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my name's sake, shall receive an hundredfold, and shall inherit everlasting life."

    Having been where you are, and taken the route of confrontation - I can say that Jesus doesn't disappoint. If you do this without Jesus though, there isn't enough upside to go through with it in my opinion.

  • Ding

    You've got a very rough choice.

    There are negative consequences either way.

    Only you can make the decision.

    If you disassociate, don't blame yourself for splitting your family.

    The responsibility for that would be on your parents.

    It's their decision to cede control of their lives to the Governing Body that's the problem.

    Assuming they obey the organization's rules, you won't be shunning them; they will be shunning you.

    The door will be locked on their side, not yours.

    Don't let anyone lay a guilt trip on you for following your conscience.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep
    They can talk about their beliefs, but I must keep mine secret.

    It's tightrope walk.

    DF/DA just puts a target on your forehead that screams apostate and warns the Dubbies that you are the enemy. It plays the game using rules that the WT designed to ensure that you loose, and that people who really need to hear your doubts and reasoning never do.

    You might be able to get away with a very carefully worded question asked in a way that makes them really want to have an answer. If you try it, don't waste it on doctrine/Bible.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    I believe that living this lie is causing me great internal conflict and on some level keeps me from achieving my dreams, or for that matter even creating success in my life.

    That's where I was a couple of years ago before I started my fade. I wondered if it would blow up in ugly confrontations, and I wondered if I should write off most of my family and just walk away. I wasn't sure if that was the only way I'd be happy and be able to get on with my life.

    However, I talked to some "worldly" people about my situation. And they revealed that despite having close families, some didn't talk about politics with their parents/kids/siblings. Others didn't talk about religion. To keep the peace, they talked about everything else, and got along pretty well, except for occasional jabs. With that I knew that I'd feel terribly guilty if I was the one to cause the confrontation and walk away from my family. Particularly after talking to non-JW friends, they recommended that I try to preserve the relationships as long as the other side was respectful of me. Plenty here on the board have had to deal with family and friends that were completely unyielding and have been treated horribly. But certainly in my old hall, enough had family that had faded that the elders already knew not to rock the boat and leave faders alone. And I'd already employed enough tactics that the BoE was glad to see me move away.

    But the big thing for me was that I needed to figure out what I wanted, what would give me a feeling of success, what are my dreams? Some of it I'm still not sure. But I moved away to university and stopped attending meetings, leaving my cards back at my parents' congregation. I'm close enough to go back and visit once a month or so. I spend time with family and friends, but don't go to the meetings. None of them have been confrontational about it. I was most anxious when I went back for the funeral of a JW relative. I stuck close to my siblings during the visitation/funeral/meal, they are also faded/fading. Nobody gave us any grief as had happened to one of my sisters a few years ago. There are plenty of problems in the congregation that they didn't need to create problems for us. I've had enough conversations with cousins that they understand that I know exactly what I'm doing. More than anything, they just seem really glad to see me and not have to talk about any JW stuff. So our relationships have actually gotten much more interesting. Yes, it has been work on my part, and I do have the help of a psychologist, and reading all the experiences on the board has been encouraging and interesting.

    JW issues still give me internal conflict and I often worry about confrontations that so for have never happened. So I suppose I should count my blessings, study, plan fun stuff on the weekend, and start thinking about an my senior design project.

  • jgnat

    I'll give a secular example. A friend once wrote one of those dramatic maudlin letters to her family where she described in detail all the offences she had felt from her family and how it had damaged her over the years.

    Then she mailed it.

    Hoo, boy did she live to regret that.

    Not that her pain was not real. It is just that, well, especially in print, it is wholly unproductive. Family members justifiably have their own perspective on history, which they have no chance to tell. A letter like that leaves no defence. She also can't take it back.

    Far safer and just as healing is to write the letter and then ritually burning it. Fresh start without the drama.

  • AllTimeJeff

    Since you asked for opinions, I will give you mine. Please know I respect whatever difficult decision you feel you must make.

    In short, I blew up the bridge, left my "cushy" JW position and family to find me and be me.

    So guess what my advice is? :)

    But we may not be alike. However, from the tone of your first post, I would 100% agree with your wife. She sounds wise. :)

  • Fernando

    Hard choice between, well a rock and a hard place.

    On the one hand ongoing "cognitive dissonance" and the resulting physical, emotional, mental and spiritual illness.

    On the otherhand freedom with loss of parents.

    Could you ask your parents a simple question that may begin some bridge building?

    "Could you please explain to me from the heart exactly what 'legalism' is and its exact opposite?"


    "Could you please explain to me what the gospel is in one word, and one sentence?"


    "Are you a 'publisher of the good news'?" (Yes)

    "How many times does the Bible refer to the 'good news'?" (±152)

    "How many of these are by Paul?" (±85)

    "Please can you explain the good news according to Paul to me from the heart?"

    This is a gentle way of alerting a Watchtower religionist to their ignorance of Christianity 101. If God grants them repentance of this ignorance you are well on your way.

    Best wishes


  • NewChapter

    You don't have to decide today. That is something that has been helpful for me to remember. Sometimes I just think I should write my letter and get it over with, but then the pressure lifts, and I get comfortable again. TAKE YOUR TIME---that is all I can really advise, because I can't tell you which option is best.

    Fashion an entirely JW free social network---be with people where you can express your genuine self. This will also give you a cushion to fall onto if things should go poorly with the org. If you just have to watch your speech for a few hours, and then you can relax and be real with friends, that may also relieve some pressure---until you decide.

    If you choose to wait---you can always change that decision. If you choose to act---you won't be able to change that decision. So it doesn't hurt to be really, really sure.


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