Twelve Reasons for Preaching

by therevealer 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • therevealer

    from the June KM this -

    Why do we preach and teach the good news? Is it primarily to help honesthearted people onto the road to life? (Matt. 7:14) That is the first reason listed below, but it is not our primary one. Which of the following 12 reasons for engaging in the ministry do you think is the most important?
    1. It helps save lives.-John 17:3.
    2. It serves to warn the wicked. -Ezek. 3:18, 19.
    3. It contributes to the fulfillment of Bible prophecy.-Matt. 24:14.
    4. It is an expression of God's righteousness. No charge can be brought against Jehovah that he destroyed the wicked without giving them opportunity
    to repent.-Acts 17:30, 31;1 Tim. 2:3, 4.
    5. It allows us to discharge our debt to give spiritual help to people purchased with the blood of Jesus. -Rom. 1:14, 15.
    6. It enables us to avoid bloodguilt. -Acts 20:26, 27.
    7. It is a requirement for our own salvation.- Ezek. 3:19; Rom. 10:9, 10.
    8. It demonstrates love for neighbor. -Matt. 22:39.
    9. It shows obedience to Jehovah and his Son.-Matt. 28:19, 20.
    10. It is part of our worship.-Heb. 13:15.
    11. It expresses our love for God. -1 John 5:3.
    12. It contributes toward the sanctification of Jehovah's name.-Isa. 43:10-12;Matt. 6:9.

    Of course, these are not the only reasons we engage in the ministry. For example, preaching strengthens our faith
    and also gives us the privilege to be God's fellow workers. (1 Cor. 3:9) However, the most important reason for sharing in
    the ministry is number 12. Regardless of the response we receive, the ministry contributes toward the sanctification of
    God's name and gives Jehovah a reply to the one who is taunting him. (Prov. 27:11) Indeed, we have compelling reasons to ‘continue without letup teaching and declaring the good news.'-Acts 5:42.

    So which is the main reason why you don't bother and could care less.

  • Tater-T

    presenting WATCHTOWER liturature is not PREACHING!!!!

    SO they are all wrong..

  • thetrueone

    Religion is pure ignorance and bullshit derived from past human ignorance, even if it put to print and is said to be the voice of god.

    People with honest personal integrity wouldn't be involved with the lies and coercive corruption of the WTS. publishing company.

  • therevealer

    Does anybody else see this as somewhat a new approach. Back in the day it seems they kept it simpler. Go in service or jehober will hate you and you will die at the big A. Is laying it out like this necessary to simplify. Is it because they feel they need a different approach. I now that I hated every minute other than when we drove to the nearest place for coffee and a donut. I never could have piosneered and feel a bit nauseous when reading about ones pretending to be excited about enrolling. What could be a more useless use of your time, in spite of the "12" wonderful reasons. Which by the way as they point out are not the only reasons. There are more. But make no mistake. The possible saving of people's lives is not number uno reason.

    I think they should have included the "real" most important reason. To help enforce mind control>

  • thetrueone

    There are and have been obvious elements of brainwashing and mind control by the WTS. purposely devised and established toward the support

    the of organization's literature distribution and proliferation.

    The self recognition that their organization is approved and guided by god has also much to do with this,

    as well as the constant proselytizing of god's own judgment day ( Armageddon ) coming soon.

    When people are confronted by the possibility of their own demise ( Death ) they are prone to react accordingly.

    Some can see through this manipulation and exploitation, some obviously can not, the ones who can not are probably sitting in

    a Kingdom Hall somewhere reading a Watchtower magazine under the illusionary control of the WTS.

    This is where the WTS. has been the most manipulative and coercive.

  • Ucantnome

    7. It is a requirement for our own salvation.- Ezek. 3:19; Rom. 10:9, 10.

    If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved. (NIV)

    This has nothing to do with preaching about 1914 as far as I can see.

  • therevealer

    So it's agreed then. More mind control bullshite.

  • thetrueone

    So it's agreed then. More mind control bullshite.

    Absolutely , the WTS has been pretty much doing this since its inception as a religious publishing house.

    Preaching in regards to the WTS. is the commercialization of their products as well as to the expansion of the organization itself.

    More preaching via the WTS. results in more people working for the WTS. as well more incoming financial support .

    The WTS. has been riding on the rails of false doctrines/false bible teachings for more than a century,

    sadly there have been millions of people who've been unknowingly been controlled by this diverse but palatable corruption,

    still to this day.

  • Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
    Disillusioned Lost-Lamb

    If you really believe in something, and honestly want to do it, do you constantly need to be reminded why? NO!

    So why do they feel the need to relentlessly tell us that we should looove preaching, that it is suuuch a privilege and why we should continue?

    The only reason I can think of is everyone must really hate it and would stop if the $ociety quit shaming witlesses into it; I mean they’ve got to keep finding ways to trick R&F into voluntarily distribute their litter-a-turd for free.

  • therevealer

    Also - It is probably their greatest attention getter. They are known for the blood issue and door knocking. It is their brand.

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