Awesome idea for a prank.

by baltar447 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • baltar447

    It would be super funny to pay a non-dub like, $20 to dress up like a smurf and try to attend a meeting at a KH or assembly while someone else posing as a dub films the whole thing.

    Maybe the plant could even wear a changable disguise and duck under his seat, quickly put smurf attire on, stand up, scream, "I'm tired of this shit!", and run out of the assembly hall.

    It would be EPIC. And yes, I've had a few drinks!

  • ShirleyW

    "duck under his seat, quickly put smurf attire on"

    Yeah, that's it, duck under a chair in a room with about a hundred people and change into a costume, as if there's enough room for anyone over 18 months old to duck under.

    Well, like you said, you've had a few.

  • dontplaceliterature

    I was seriously thinking today how funny it would be to show up with a group of guys all dressed in drag with badges on. Everyone would be too nervous to offend that they wouldn't dare question the legitimacy of the sex of the queens, but it would sure make for some interesting stories/video.

    Disclaimer: I am not interested personally in dressing in women's clothes.

  • baltar447

    Ok Shirley, I see your point. He could duck into the bathroom, then run out into the assembly hall and shout the phase. Would that be more feasable?

    I really want to make this mental exercise work.

  • ShirleyW

    Well, that certainly makes more sense to change in the restroom. As far as the comment about men dressed in drag, in my mother's cong, more than ten years ago they had a "Ru Paul" type attend the meetings and someone actually studied with him/her.

  • TOTH

    I think it'd be funny to put on a badge, go unshaven and unwashed to one of the approved hotels and be abnoxious about the GOOD NEWS! Someone here posted once about singing We're Jehovah's Witnesses late at night through the hotel corridors too.

  • finally awake
    finally awake

    I'd pay good money to see a transvestite with a beard show up at an assembly. Preferably in a short dress and unshaved legs.

  • finally awake
    finally awake

    Just Ron was joking the other day about placing Easter eggs all over the KH property. That way the dubs would be forced into an Easter egg hunt.

  • 00DAD

    What are you drinking? I want some!!!!

  • baltar447

    Cheap ass vodka and diet dr pepper, 00DAD

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