Have you ever give and/or receive apology to/from anyone many years later?

by Iamallcool 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • moshe

    When a JW leaves the WT org and tries give an apology to the ex-spouse they divorced or the family they shunned for 20 years, don't be surprised when they refuse to embrace you with tears of joy. You can't wash away all those years of cruelty with a simple," I'm sorry".

    My ex-wife never apoligized to me for what she did to our family.(she left the KH 5 or 6 years after the divorce) She knows I was right all along (my kids have told me), but giving me a mea culpa just won't happen. I have my comeuppance anyway-- Every month I get 100% of a pension check that she gave away in the divorce in 1989. When her lawyer asked for 50% of that pension, I looked at my wife and said, " If you are so worried about getting old in this system of things, then maybe you need to just stay married' - she turned to her laywer and said, "forget it, I won't ever need that pension" Only in her last job has she started putting money away for retirement-- she cashed and spent the 401's from other jobs.

    In my case, I apolgized to a lady I helped DF and told her who ratted her out- brother in law in another cong. I told my parents I was sorry for missing their birthdays and holidays and I worked very hard to make up for my mistake. I tried to apoligize to some unbelieving spouses for usurping their authority when I was an elder- funny thing was, they didn't want to talk to me, so I guess they were OK with being Mr Milquetoast and letting the elders be the head of their wife and taking her away from the home on weekends for WT busy work, burning his gasoline and wearing out his car looking for stooges to convert to the WT religion.


    My dad apologised many years later for shopping me to some elda's for going to a mainstream rock/pop concert. I got a real grilling at a point I was low. I hadn't done anything wrong and stood my ground which didn't go down well with the eldas.


  • jam

    The crushed: That,s sad. Please call your mom.

    I think about my daughter(JW), If some day she discover

    the truth about the truth. My arms will be open to my first

    born. I know it,s been A long time but do it before it,s

    too late. My hope, before I die I can sit down with my

    daughter and she can tell me about her life, my grandkids.

    I will tell her there has not been A single day that I have not thought

    of you. I have been hurt but I can forgive.

  • talesin

    I was having lunch with some friends at a local pub about 10 years ago. The bar manager came up to our table, and said "Aren't you talesin? It's me, Tim __." "Oh, hi, Tim, I can't believe you recognize me after all these years." "Well, I am so glad to see you .... remember back in junior high, and we were all so mean to you? I'm so sorry for teasing you, and have always felt guilty about it."

    Thanks, Tim!


  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    I was bullied in high school.

    One girl wrote to me several years later, apologising for the way I was treated and even admitted to starting false rumours about me so she's be better accepted by the girls that were bullying me.

    Another girl from the same group also apologised in person.

  • cantleave

    After I exited the JW's I apologised to someone I disfellowshipped for apostasy when I was an elder.

  • WTWizard

    I definitely owe Satan and his demons for the slaps in the face I gave them while I was a witless.

  • QuestioningEverything

    After I learned the truth about the JW"s, I called my aunt and apologized for shunning her. She had been a JW and joined the Mormon's. Me, being the good JW i was, shunned her when she told me of her decision to join the Mormon's.

    I hadn't spoken to her for at least 4 or 5 years when I made the call. I really missed her and am glad that we were able to mend the relationship.

    Here is my post about it:


    And my mom is now aware that me and my aunt are talking and back to our previous relationship. Mom is fine with it. :)

  • metaspy

    I do all the time. There is a group of us that knew each other when growing up - we are out now - and I apologize for actions I took while in.

  • LongHairGal


    I don't know if this qualifies as an apology though because this wasn't this particular sister's fault but a general attitude throughout the religion.

    A sister who pioneered for many years told me recently that people were "wrong" to have criticized me because I work full time. I told her "thank you I know that they were wrong but that doesn't mean that I forgive them. They can go ask the religion or their so-called spiritual friends for money." I don't want to know about their financial problems.

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