Is it just me or is JWN going through a nice phase at the moment?

by nicolaou 70 Replies latest jw friends

  • nicolaou

    Oh dear, some of you do have your knickers in twist don't you?! Get a grip, I did NOT spill the contents of a private message, I quoted sixteen words out of two hundred and forty to make my point - and those were only comments Cedars had made about ME. What he had to say about others I stayed away from.

    If, in the middle of a conversation with friends, I'm poked quietly in the back by a guest you can bet I might make a bit of noise. Honestly, I thought I was being tactful and polite, if that was wasted perhaps I won't bother next time.

    This is not a Primary School (kindergarten) playground and I'm not in the least upset by primadonna posturing, passive aggressive nonsense or accusations of being uncool. I appreciate the sentiment Witness My Fury but I'm not going anywhere - not unless Simon tells me my time is up. He and Angharad have had to put up with unbelievable amounts of shit and nonsense to keep this place going, including personal insults that would've sent many current posters into therapy! There's an example of thick-skinned resilience that some namby-pamby, wusses would do well to follow.

    Some of you need to unfurl from your fetal positions and grow a pair!

    Well, I don't know about the rest of you but I feel better!

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    I'm glad you feel better nicolaou... I feel better for you after reading that post...LOL

  • ohiocowboy


    Thank you for your level headed, mature, intelligent, and very honest posts!!! A lot of people share your feelings.

  • Christ Alone
    Christ Alone

    Yeah...hmmm....responding to a PM in public isn't cool. It's kinda like getting up on the stage at the Kingdom Hall to air out what someone said to you in private.

  • Glander

    there are PM's and there are PM's. When a PM from A to B is a bashing of C it becomes a rather nasty, and unfair, bit of cowardice.

    I feel that nic's reference to minor points in Cedars PM were not a breach of some unwritten rule. If I receive a written message under postage, that is mine to do with as I please unless I have agreed beforehand that the communique was strictly confidential.

  • Theocratic Sedition
    Theocratic Sedition

    Nicholaou, you're a good dude. I respect you. You expressed the sentiments I've been thinking since the forum experienced the end of the gentile times the past few days. Take care man.

  • free @ last
    free @ last

    Thank you nicolaou for expressing my sentiments exactly. I too am mourning the loss of freedom of speech on the forum. Two of the most intelligent and thought provoking posters are now gone. (Thank god their old post don't disappear when they go. Loads of great stuff to go back and read from both.)

    The only upside I see to this loss is that it may help me to get over my JWN addiction.... Being an ex-JW has become more tiresome to me than being a JW ever was. Some of that has to do with exposure to the incessant rambling of 'activist apostates'. Sometimes they can simply be laughed at but others who take themselves (or their mission) way too seriously are not so funny and are actually quite disturbing.

    Activism is not what it's about for me.


  • Aware!
    I too am mourning the loss of freedom of speech on the forum. Two of the most intelligent and thought provoking posters are now gone. (Thank god their old post don't disappear when they go. Loads of great stuff to go back and read from both.)

    I heartily agree. I will miss King Solomon and Slimboyfat. It might as well help me with my JWN addiction. I don't care anymore what happens to the WT. Life isn't fair, anyway.

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas

    Thank you for expressing yourself with such candour, nicolaou. I think you were speaking for quite a few here who witnessed that meltdown. While I don't believe in banning people unless absolutely necessary, the same standards should apply for all participants in an argument. No one has the right to not feel offended in a free society.

  • mamochan13

    I like Cedars and I'm a big fan of the work he does. But I was not happy with how things played out either.

    In general, I think forum discussions remain healthier when mods keep a hands-off, sort things out yourself attitude for the most part. On another forum where I used to be an active member, the owner went in and actually removed pieces of posts to suit his viewpoint. I won't ever post there again. So things can get ridiculous.

    This forum is the best, and has stayed that way because Simon (and Angharad) keep it that way. A time out doesn't hurt anyone. It seems to me that a number of posters here have had their hands slapped and come back. In the big picture this needs to be a place where ex-JWs and others can come to sort things out, without being attacked.

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