Watch Out - Satan is watching you!

by usualusername 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • usualusername

    As a witness eepcially during my teens - early twenties I believed that Satan was watching me for my weaknesses.

    This gave me a mild form of paranoia.

    Do you believe Satan was watching you?

  • ohiocowboy

    I used to believe the same thing to an extent, but not as much anymore. My Mother was/is fanatical about Satan and the Demons, and she thought they were lurking everywhere, ready to pounce on us at the slightest moment of weakness. I am glad that even though I used to believe in them, I never really let it affect me to the point of being (Overly) paranoid. I have found most JW's to be overly fearful of such things, and it is no wonder that so many of them drink and/or need to take anti-anxiety meds.

    Hope you are doing well!!!

  • LostGeneration

    I always thought it kind of absurd. I mean if Satan was really out there trying to ensnare people away from the JWs, he doesn't have much work to do, as 99.9% were already worldly. I'm sure if he really has 1/3rd of the angels from the flood era on his side, he's got a few hundred demons for each JW out there.

    Even more absurd was the idea that Jehovah watched you all the time, you know, even when you were rubbing one out.

  • DesirousOfChange

    Just yesterday my wife refused to say something out loud for fear "other" unseen forces would hear her. She querried if offering a prayer prior to discussing the matter would prevent such.

    I was speechless. Of course, so was she as she didn't want to be "overheard".

    This woman is NOT crazy. You know what I mean? Like many JWs are "crazy". She is sound and rational in every other way.


  • Kojack57

    I used to feel that way too, when I was younger but that was another way the BORG controlled us. So, Satan justs sits there with nothing better to do than watch us. I would think he would have bigger fish to fry. It was also implied that only Jehovah could read our minds but not Satan. That again is another misleading implied thought.

    I do believe that he is watching the G.B. and is pulling their strings in order to mislead all that he can and is doing a fine job. Look at the control the watchtower has over the many jdubs. Don't you think Satan has something to do with that? You can bet your sweet BIPPY he does.

    Information control, hiding pedeophiles within the BORG, NGO involvement, shunning, murder of innocent Malawi brothers and sisters over a 25 cent political card while excusing the Mexican brothers with involvement with their military certificates. Disfellowshiping many for what ever the deem necessary. And more..... So, is Satan watching us maybe so.

  • jookbeard

    not only did I think old Beelzebub was watching me , in the latter years of my Dub life I became possessed by the very same entity I was fearful of according to my sister and wife!

  • lalaa

    I was always freaked out about Jehovah watching my every move, not Satan. The thought of the big J watching me fuck up freaked the hell outta me. That gave me a huge complex till I was 19. By then I stopped giving a big F and did my own thing. Since then life has been a lot better.

  • thetrueone

    Never mind Satan and his demons, god was watching you all the time as well, you really had to watch what you were doing,

    particularly in regards to how you were representing his earthly publishing company the WTS.

    Well at least at the Kingdom Hall, outside he wasn't around so much.

  • snare&racket

    Yeah there is an evil angel who wears a caped hoodie whilst caressing the earth in a sinister mannner, watching my every move, hoping to make me want to play GTA 5 so that the good god can throw me in a lake of fire... totally makes sense.

    Have you ever researched the history behind the invention of the devil, satan, the original serpant?

    Be honest, if King David can be forgiven for having a man murdered as he shagged his wife, can satan be forgiven for wanting a bit of authority? No.. what about the amazing , holy, kick ass hero... MOOOOOOooooooses ! Yeah the guy that wanted to be worshiped and stole some of gods devotion (we all know how jealous he is).... doesnt this make Moses worse than satan? Anyway, how does making a man eat an apple equate to jealousy in worshipping god? Why do all these spirit creatures have such human emotions and wants? All sounds kind of ......made up.....

    Finally one of the biggest taboos in the whole of christendom....would you forgive the devil? I thought he asked some valid questions.. "He is only worshiping you for the reward Jehooha" ..... I mean maybe this was just men penning stories in order to quash decension... or possibly this conversation did take place in a Pleiades STARbucks.... who knows...

    Then the second taboo question, would a third of the angels REALLY cross sides? If so... maybe it was for a good reason. Maybe they thought that god demanding man to worship him was wrong, maybe Satan was just telling Adam it was ok to think for himself and worship whoever he wanted? Maybe the greatest trick of god was to persuade the earth the devil existed .... and was a very naughty boy....

    Who knows? Who cares?.......... like I said research the history of these myths and stories and it all falls apart like sand in your hand. Does anyone else smell bullsh...

    Snare x

    ........BOO !

    .....................................................................dont worry that wasnt was me....

  • leavingwt

    Jehovah was far worse. Unlike Satan, Jehovah knew what I was thinking.

    The best day of my life is when I realized that I'm the only person who knows what I'm thinking. My thoughts are my own, for better or for worse.

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