The annointed remnant figure rising - a question

by jambon1 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • snare&racket

    When I was a JW doctrine and teachings were important, the joke is nowadays the JWs have been refined down to the ignorant or scared, both of which are just going through the motions, these people do not even notice new teachings such as the new aointed class bullcrap or such irregularities as the rise in partakers.

    Facepalm of shame, these people haven't noticed dinosaurs or neanderthals yet, they are hardly likely to question the +/- % of mentally ill in WT land, ie consumers of red n bread.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    nothing and they know it. They are split between dismissing them, and then again they can't.

  • ScenicViewer

    Here is the Watchtower quote that the declining number of anointed was proof of being in the last days.

    (W 1-15-2000 p13) Subheading “Six convincing lines of evidence [that we are in the last days]”
    18 "Sixth, the number of genuine anointed disciples of Christ is dwindling, though some will evidently still be on earth when the great tribulation begins. Most of the remnant are quite elderly, and over the years the number of those who are truly anointed has been getting smaller.”

    At that time (year 2000) the number of anointed (partakers of the emblems) had been declining. Now the number is increasing quickly, as shown by the Society's own count.

    Yr Partakers
    2000 - 8661
    2001 - 8730
    2002 - 8760
    2003 - 8565
    2004 - 8570
    2005 - 8524
    2006 - 8758
    2007 - 9105
    2008 - 9986
    2009 - 10857
    2010 - 11202
    2011 - 11824

  • snare&racket

    Lol.... that is hilarious isnt it....

    I knew it was happening, but to see the numbers is quite funny. What perfect timing ! The writing staff and top dogs must know this is a MAJOR issue.

    "Oh crap.... its happening again, its just like the Gen' all over again.... I still get flashbacks from that"

  • oppostate

    They need new anointed ones and the 1935 ceiling lifted in order to make room for the overlapping generations theory.

  • shopaholic

    They are also including recent converts who partake out of habit because they get hit with feelings at the memorial...or at least that's how several people explained it. Nothing about mental people although the mag includes them in the higher count.

  • mP

    I guess the annoited are coming in from the cold. In the past they didnt celebrate at a KH and now they are joining the JW which is a good thing right ?

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