The annointed remnant figure rising - a question

by jambon1 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    As long as they can possibly drag it out it seems... probably be in 2013 yearbook and not before.

  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    If the extra 3k are mentally unbalanced, are they new mentally unbalanced ones converting to JWism or were they sane and then after being in the bOrg became mentally unbalanced?

    #just asking

  • thetrueone

    One could look at the increase of the members of the JWS world wide and say well so goes the increase of the anointed partakers proportionately.

    Another plausible answer to this increase might be the aging demographics of the body of the membership itself.

    In no time of the WTS. history has there been more people who have been JWS for more than 50, 60 and upward of 70 years.

    Some of these people over the length of being associated with the JWs, have resolved within themselves that they are now worthy of being

    of the heavenly class, my mother in law to use an example.

    If the Truth be known I would say she's slightly mentally diseased .......just saying

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    good question Amelia

  • snare&racket

    "I am one of the anointed!"......

    "Erm how do you know that?"

    "Because I have a heavenly hope!"

    " do all of christendom...... are they anointed?"

    "erm....uh....urgh... it is not for me to judge..bla bla bla jesus and love and bullshit..."

    "These religions are evil bastards... so where does that leave you and your " I know I am anointed because I want to go to heaven!" Get to the back of the line, so does every non JW christian that happened to notice there is not one verse that refers to a paradise earth. Heaven is not even christian, its an older pagan belief that originated with a VERY different idea than the one you imagine.... harps n gems n all that shizzle. Seriously pick up a book! What makes you think you are so special, god came and chose you so that you could help him JUDGE the likes of me from heaven for infinity..... kind of says alot about how you think....."

    " May god open your mind, Jah bless you."

    "I am all for open minded thinking, but not so much that your brain falls out! Besides what EXACTLY made you think you are anointed? What proof do you have?"

    " One day I had a funny feeling."

    "................................ "


    " go on....."

    " I felt at peace..."

    " So you had a nice day?"

    " No it was like god hugged me."

    " Ahhh so god came down and hugged you... ..."

    " Oh no...... but it felt like that."

    "............... so how often do you see your doctor?"

    This 'mentally unbalanced' is handy for the JW's but in reality it shos how unchristian they are, for if they were right... we are talking about people with mental illness (ironically given to them by god because adam ate an apple).The governing body claim to be the mouthpiece of the FDS and they are calling eachother......mentally diseased......I.R.O.N.I.C. An indication if there ever was ,that the cult is in turmoil to its very heart.

    For those that do partake, how many are mentally well would be the best place to start....if we start with doctrine, you would have to be unbalanced/ignorant/stupid to think there were not more than 144,000 early christians baptised. Then the knowledge that the 'anointed' were never contacted or asked for advice from bethel, they were simply left to moap around the congregations whilst everyone, literally everyone called them liars. Though this is the case (for we know none of it was true), these people were/are ill. Very in some cases.

    Also we all here know that the WT is a cult, not a true religion (I dont believe in god). On top of that, the anointed never have more evidence of their being appointed kings over the rest of us than conversations like the one above. The peoblem for the lying mentally broken individual is, they can NEVER EVER go back on such a claim. EVEN when EVERYONE knows they are lying. Literally all their family, all their friends, all in the congregation. That person can NEVER admit it, not for anyone elses sake but for their own broken mind. They will argue this to the death, and it will consume them for the rest of their lives. They know the second they annonce themself as 'no longer anointed' the hug from god was all lies, the feeling of being special with a heavely hope.... all lies. Being one of the first 144,000 worshipers after the death of christ ...ok not so much of a suprise for those that can read...but yeah that too...all lies....

    So they will never ever back down. So sad if they stay in the WT, they have the elders and local cong call them out for being mentally ill and a liar AND now they again have their mouthpiece calling them mentally disturbed, for all in the congregation to see. To think they call forums like this evil and destructive to the religion, calling itself mentally ill will do more damage than we can ever do.

    I knew a partaker that was df'd, everyone, people that had known them 30 years could not wait to declare their knowledge that the person was not just a liar but mentally ill. Yet never once did they try to help them. Nice.

    As for partakers that leave the least when we left the JW's we could move on to great new lives, as I sid before they have to keep up the pretense. Some partaking alone. As weird as it is, we must pitty them. So sad.

  • the truth is mine
    the truth is mine

    After the memorial last night this subject came up among some of the elders. I found it interesting that they were blaming it on the memorial invitations. It seems they think that all the new partakers are those who respond to the invite and do not realize that they are not supposed to be cracker munching. But it seems to me that the increase started a few years before the invitations were given out?

  • biometrics

    I thought the mentally unbalanced anointed were the faithful and discrete slave class? Don't they provide food that the proper time?

  • cyberjesus

    Just as a side thought, in case you are interested: The whole idea of an 'anointed people' is pure bologna. Actually everything you find in that book is

  • cyberjesus

    if the reason the number of partakers is due to mentally imbalanced jws... then they acknowledge that the number of mentally imbalanced jws keeps growing...

  • mP

    Whats to stop a mass addition of annoited ones next year. Why cant a whole congregation join in.

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