Memorial, why isn't there the post memorial excitement like there is with an assembly

by insearchoftruth 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • NewChapter

    I always found it anticlimatic, and although I wouldn't admit it outloud, I always felt kind of silly.

    Here we'd go out for the month before, inviting everyone possible to COME! I'd call or try to contact all of my RV's, pass invitations out to everyone unfortunate enough to make eye contact with me, and carefully pick out my clothes. I'd arrange to give rides to people, and offer rides to anyone remotely interested (meaning, they smiled). I'd spend time hand writing the KH address on every invitation I had (we didn't send them to a printer).

    THEN, I would try to take time off from work, put more time into service, and do all of the recommended reading from the bible, and the week before follow Jesus' last week in the Greatest Man book. The day would come, I'd take a full day or half day off from work. Make a zillion calls "are you coming, do you need a ride". Try to have a nice dinner---it's a holiday, observance, afterall. Then I'd make sure to get there very early, because the hall was really going to be full, save seats for those I'm expecting, and watch the door, full of hope.

    All of this build up----and I'm handed a plate for 2.2 nanoseconds which I pass left. Then I'm handed a glass, have a mild panic attack that I will be the one to spill the wine, hold it for 4.2 nanoseconds (slower than the bread, cuz of the spill risk), pass right.

    That's it. A month of frenzied activity for a 6.5 nanosecond motion. I wouldn't say it out loud, but it really did feel silly. I kind of felt embarrassed afterwards so no, I didn't carry on about how faith building the experience was. It actually felt kind of ridiculous.


  • OnTheWayOut

    And let's not forget that virtually all the members handed out "invitations" and virtually the only people that show up are already known to be "studies" or family. So all that important work and they didn't get one stranger to take up their invitation and show up.

  • insearchoftruth

    I am surprised that they do not try to put a press release of some sort in the local papers like they do for the assemblies, but I guess since the whole thing is so strange and negative someone needs an explanation prior to coming!

    Stupid Cult!

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    When an assembly concludes, they ususally say "wasn't that the best one ever?" What can they say after another of the annual 'JUST OBSERVE, those emblems are not for you" ... "another year, still no Armageddon, more partakers, not less?" The whole memorial scene is structured for a letdown.

  • jambon1

    You always expected some special feeling in those first few years. Nothing happened.

    After a while, the procedure is very, very dull and repetative.

  • insearchoftruth

    One thing I have noticed is the the JW buzzwords are being used quite frequently by my wife during the memorial season, 'the truth', 'congregation', 'publisher', etc, words she never uses, which will more than likely fade away over the next couple of weeks.

  • Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
    Disillusioned Lost-Lamb

    What's there to be excited about?

    Believers just went to a rejection ceremony, rubbed attending unbelievers noses in it, love-bombed a group they care nothing about and tried to fake concern for any DF/DA who showed up (because we all know they wouldn't even say hello to them if they saw the person anywhere else or even at a regular meat-ing).

    I go home feeling dishonest and ashamed.

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