TO ALL LURKERS: the WTS approves of parents humilating their children!

by Chemical Emotions 65 Replies latest jw friends

  • ziddina

    Next time...

    DON'T post the entire dayyammed article. Besides being clumsy to plow thru, it's actually not "legal", as one is only supposed to post a few paragraphs at a time, for 'review' or 'commentary'...

    Next, ALWAYS post the source. The fact that you had to ask SOMEBODY ELSE where your OWN POST came from, speaks volumes - but in a negative way....

  • Chemical Emotions
    Chemical Emotions

    I'm sorry. I didn't know it was illegal. I was just trying to give the info in full context. I lost the source. I closed the WTS CD before saving it. I never asked anyone lese to get it though.

    I'm really sorry that I keep fucking up.

  • ziddina


    Don't call it "fucking" up. That, too, is very negative.

    Try this:

    "OoopS!! Thanks for pointing that out [or no thanks...], I'll do it differently, next time..."

    Every time I screw/muck up, I remind myself...

    I didn't kill anybody...

    I didn't end up on "World's Dumbest [whatever]..." (One of my favorite shows, by the way!)

    I didn't wreck my car or burn my house down.

    In that case, it was a minor infraction.

  • Chemical Emotions
    Chemical Emotions

    Thanks, zid. I'm just feeling pretty bad tonight. I'm way too negative and annoying. I can't seem to talk myself out of it this time. Sorry.

  • Chemical Emotions
    Chemical Emotions

    (Oh, and morbidz, you have a PM)

  • steve2

    So then, are we agreed: JW parents emulate their god, Yahweh but damn secular law prevents them from outright killing their little darlings.

  • Bubblegum Apotheosis
    Bubblegum Apotheosis

    @talespin: I would rather have Chemical Emotions, talk of this kind of subject, versus "Sex, Abusive Psychopath Relationships, S&M, Angry Boyfriends.." her/his previous subject matter.

    Was I lucky to be in Kingdom Halls that did not permit parents to whack their kids, maybe so. We had some bold, brave sisters who spoke their mind, and had no problem bringing up "Child Protective Servives". In 1967, school principles were paddling the hell out of kids in K-1 up to K-6, for preceived offenses against our role model teachers. I had my fair share of visits to his office, and had my own paddle with those little circles in the middle. I would like to see the magazines that say "beat your kids when they are bad!", "Humilate them!" Date/Publication/Page. Thanks

    @steve, where your parents vicious and evil, did their Bible education create monsters like "Yahweh" you talk about? Were they abusive?

  • rebel8

    Anyhoo. The subject is: WTS approves of parents humilating their children. From what I hear, this is still topical today.

    I remember the counsel that corporal punishment "may be" replaced with other punishments as the child ages. I do not recall any parent tapering off with age IRL.

    I got "spanked" until age 17 when I fought back. On my bare butt, even while I had my period. The dubbies loved humiliating kids for sport. They're considered animals, "like a horse that needs to be broken".

  • Chemical Emotions
    Chemical Emotions

    agreed, steve2

    rebel8: 17 YO? Wow. :(

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    My pulse is racing. This thread tread on some very bad memories. No, I doubt there is a beat beyond the bounds of secular law WT article. I never read one article that was balanced. Children seem to be always wrong and parents miraculously correct.

    My cousins and my siblings lived in hell growing up. The humiliation is a stigma for me to this day. A secular org had to place a rape monitoring system in place b/c of my father. Fueled with Rutherford's view on women, he thought he could place his hands and do whatever to an adolescent girl. He proclaimed himself a minister of JWs. Yet the authorities proclaimed him a pervert capable of great harm and violence. I was beat without a stitch of clothing on. Another time that triggered the rape precautions, I took FM radio to listen to the Beatles and Dylan. He was sleeping. The absence of sound woke him up. He chased me and trapped me in the bathroom with his heavy body wedged against the door.

    He announced that he was dying (true) and that I was so bad I was the reason. Therefore, I would watch him die. I screeched my lungs out. Only one neighbor called the police. When he heard the police siren, he ran downstairs, popped a nitro pill, and appeared disinterested in me. The police told me to stay away from him. I was outraged and said I had NO problem staying away from me. He could not stay away from me. The dunces pretended they did not hear that. As soon as they left, I walked out the door without his permission.

    I cried and cried as I walked to my JW's aunt's house. She told me it was my fault! The incident freed me b/c I realized he had no morals at all. Survival matter. I had a pt job so I decided to take trips to Manhattan. I stayed out of Greenwich Village and in the Fifty Ave clothing stores. NY was my haven. I miss it b/c it was my true home, not his home. NY is the home I discovered for myself out of health.

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